Closed suedeapple closed 6 years ago
I have had a little problems with v7.11 In the next days I'll try again to solve them and when I've done I'll upload the new release. Adriano
Fantastic, doyou have a donate/patreon page?
Hmmm, just tried it, however it does not seem to put the DLL in the bin folder. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
Hi, I explore the nuget package and the FALM Housekeeping DLL is correctly in the lib/net452 Now I'm creating a new package with minimal difference. I'll publish in a little while. Try this new version
The DLL targets 4.5.2, where as Umbraco is currently built against 4.5.
So your DLL wont get deployed, as you have put it in a net452 folder :-)
I changed the "targetframework" to 4.5.2 in web.config, and then re-install FALM from nuget, and the DLL got deployed to the /bin folder OK
It would be great if the NUGET package was updated to support 7.11.x, as currently I am unable to install FALM on the latest umbraco version, due to a dependancy set on the Nuget package.