Open FAMILIAR-project opened 11 years ago
The three states of a feature should be depicted graphically
Say: red cross for deselection green tick for selection and nothing for unselection
I want to provide a basic support as implemented in FeatureIDE
When configuring a feature model through the UI, the selection/deselection is not effective... I mean: when I click, the set of selected/deselected features is synchornized but not the UI :(
I guess everything is in class Configurator, perhaps here:
Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
but I could not find a solution.
Please note I refactor a bit the API (ConfigsSelected, etc.)
I also would like to deselect a feature when the feature is already selected... and unselect when the feature is deselected... and select when the feature is unselect
When clicking first click => (unselect => select) second click => (select => deselect) third click => (deselect => unselect)
@ajaksic Could you mention some possible workarounds? or implement a solution?
fm1 = FM (A : B [C] [D] ; D : (E|F) ; ) c1 = configuration fm1