FBlackBox / BlackBox

BlackBox is a virtual engine, it can clone and run virtual application on Android, users don't have to install APK file to run the application on devices. BlackBox control all virtual applications, so you can do anything you want by using BlackBox.
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asLody has been reported to Github #131

Open jbro129 opened 2 years ago

jbro129 commented 2 years ago

I reported asLody for abuse. For what he did to the projects https://github.com/nnjun/BlackBox and https://github.com/FBlackBox/BlackBox

I provided the testimonies of all parties affected https://github.com/nnjun/BlackBox/blob/main/1.png https://github.com/nnjun/BlackBox/blob/main/2.png https://github.com/nnjun/BlackBox/issues/29 https://github.com/FBlackBox/BlackBox/issues/121 https://github.com/FBlackBox/BlackBox/issues/122

What asLody and Luohe (VirtualApp parent company) is doing is illegal and defeats the spirit of open source code. Especially since asLody is a hypocrite since he stole code from Substrate by Saurik and IOUniformer from the original author.

I will follow up if they respond. image

jbro129 commented 2 years ago

Github support has responded saying they are investigating this issue. image

szliucm commented 2 years ago

Good job! Support you.

kekegdsz commented 2 years ago

Good job! Support you.

soakit commented 2 years ago


venski commented 2 years ago

good job

xueqiya commented 2 years ago

Good job! Support you.

xiaoyaomeng commented 1 year ago

Good job! Support you.

tonykae commented 1 year ago

Good job! Bro , thx

FSpaceCore commented 1 year ago

Welcome to spacecore:https://github.com/FSpaceCore/SpaceCore

truong0vanchien commented 1 year ago
