FCCAmsterdam / tps3000

Trash Positioning System 3000
MIT License
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Prototyping tool selected #6

Open nielsbom opened 6 years ago

nielsbom commented 6 years ago

It should be free and crossplatform (at least Win + Mac)

FShuman commented 6 years ago

Found this comparison between two of the (seemingly) best prototyping tools - Invision and Marvel.

I say we go with Marvel. Will have a play this weekend

FShuman commented 6 years ago

After playing around with a few different prototyping tools I just ended up creating something in bubble, since that's what I know and it works as well if not better than the other tools I looked at. Problem with Invision is you can't design in the app itself, its just good for simulating interactivity and linking screens together to get an overview of the UX. Marvel has an editor but its very basic, still is optimized for people creating their mockups outside of the app.

Bubble on the other hand has a simple but sufficiently complex visual editor. Adding interactivity isn't as simple as in Marvel or Invision but we can always upload screengrabs from the designs made in bubble into Marvel and create a UX flow that way.

Attached is a quick draft mockup I made this morning of the map screen after someone adds their postcode. mockup_v1