FCO / Red

A WiP ORM for Raku
Artistic License 2.0
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Checking multiple existance checks results in empty WHEN clause #531

Closed patrickbkr closed 2 years ago

patrickbkr commented 2 years ago
use Test;
use Red;

model TestModel {
    has UInt     $.id          is serial;
    has Str $.started-at  is column{ :nullable };
    has DateTime $.finished-at is column{ :nullable };

my $*RED-DB = database 'SQLite';
#my $*RED-DB = database 'Pg', :host(Str), :user<patrick> :dbname<patrick>;
my $*RED-DEBUG = True;


lives-ok {
    TestModel.^create: started-at => "hiea";
    for TestModel.^all.grep({ $_.started-at && !$_.finished-at }) -> $x { }
}, "Deflator and inflator don't die";


Produces the following SQL:

   "test_model".id , "test_model".started_at as "started-at", "test_model".finished_at as "finished-at"
FCO commented 2 years ago

It seems I've forgotten to test if it's the same column on both sides (https://github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/lib/Red/AST/Optimizer/AND.pm6#L66) (and that should be false on that case. Would you like to test it? Im away from keyboard :(

FCO commented 2 years ago

This seems to fix that. I'll merge it.

patrickbkr commented 2 years ago

I can confirm this works. I think the same fix needs to be applied in https://github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/lib/Red/AST/Optimizer/OR.pm6#L112