Closed emakei closed 1 month ago
Odd, would you be kind enough to show me your code?
Oh. I see that if I use this variable in file (script) then SQL-statements logging to STDOUT. But I steel cant see any new rows in database. But when I run sql-statements from inside sqlite3 and change only "Bool::True" to 1 from Red output I see new row.
use Red:api<2>;
use RedX::HashedPassword;
use UUID::V4;
model User { ... };
model Company is rw is export {
has Str $.id is column = uuid-v4();
has Str $.name is column is required;
has Str $.official-name is column = "";
has Str $.reg-number is column = "";
has Str $.official-addr is column = "";
has Str $.email-addr is column = "";
has Str $.main-addr is column = "";
has Str $.skype-nick is column = "";
has Str $.telegram-nick is column = "";
has Str $.phone-number is column = "";
has User @.users is relationship{ .company-id };
model User is rw is export {
has Str $.id is column = uuid-v4();
has Str $!company-id is referencing( *.id, :model(Company));
has Str $.login-name is column( :unique );
has Str $.password is password handles <check-password>;
has Bool $.is-admin is column = False;
has Str $.full-name is column = "";
has Str $.email-addr is column = "";
has Str $.skype-nick is column = "";
has Str $.telegram-nick is column = "";
has Str $.phone-number is column = "";
has Str $.home-addr is column = "";
has Company $.company is relationship{ .company-id };
use Red:api<2>;
use Models;
my $*RED-DEBUG = True;
red-defaults “SQLite”, database => 'test.sqlite3';
my $company = Company.^create(name => 'abc');
for Company.^all -> $item { say $item };
my $admin = $company.users.create(login-name => 'admin', password => 'nimda', full-name => "Administrator", is-admin => True);
$company.users.create(login-name => "fox", password => "xof", full-name => "Jon");
for User.^all -> $item { say $item }
Hi! Sorry for the delay. Using your code (putting on a single file and removing the external dependency) I'm getting this error:
Is that what you are getting? (I'm on Rakudo™ v2024.09).
I'm trying to fix this problem.
Removing UUID::V4 the error stops...
I found it! on your code, Company's and User's id should be is id
instead of is
I'm trying to make it not break in that case. but is referencing
should always point to an id.
it also worked on moar-2024.07. I'll release a new version
and here is what's inside the db:
SQLite version 3.39.5 2022-10-14 20:58:05
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .d
PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
id text NOT NULL ,
name text NOT NULL ,
official_name text NOT NULL ,
reg_number text NOT NULL ,
official_addr text NOT NULL ,
email_addr text NOT NULL ,
main_addr text NOT NULL ,
skype_nick text NOT NULL ,
telegram_nick text NOT NULL ,
phone_number text NOT NULL
INSERT INTO company VALUES('202e5dba-7cf7-42c1-b08c-31f4bf0c24cb','abc','','','','','','','','');
id text NOT NULL ,
company_id text NULL references company(id),
login_name text NOT NULL ,
is_admin integer NOT NULL ,
full_name text NOT NULL ,
email_addr text NOT NULL ,
skype_nick text NOT NULL ,
telegram_nick text NOT NULL ,
phone_number text NOT NULL ,
home_addr text NOT NULL ,
UNIQUE (login_name)
INSERT INTO user VALUES('360e2e49-3e0b-48ca-966a-c3cdace767d6','202e5dba-7cf7-42c1-b08c-31f4bf0c24cb','admin',1,'Administrator','','','','','');
INSERT INTO user VALUES('cc467ae7-e554-4a0f-b007-0db8942a5229','202e5dba-7cf7-42c1-b08c-31f4bf0c24cb','fox',0,'Jon','','','','','');
@emakei could you confirm that's working, please?
I use
and afterUser.^create(...)
I see no new users and any errors. Then I set$*RED-DEBUG
and see no output (SQL statements) for any action on my models (even for working code).