Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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πŸ› For uploading logs, look for S3 encryption setting in pipeline config #2080

Closed shnizzedy closed 3 months ago

shnizzedy commented 3 months ago


Fixes preliminary smoke test failures by @shnizzedy


In https://github.com/FCP-INDI/C-PAC/blob/1fe21e19af34c058ac7455f546be948f7e5ed225/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py#L361-L366 config is the Nipype configuration, not the pipeline configuration, so the broad exception was catching an AttributeError, failing silently and always setting encrypt_data to False.

Upon the linted change listing expected exceptions https://github.com/FCP-INDI/C-PAC/blob/7aaf4393efc7bf24da3c455ca171fdf329d503cb/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py#L364-L368 AttributeError isn't caught, so the rule-excepted broad exception in https://github.com/FCP-INDI/C-PAC/blob/7aaf4393efc7bf24da3c455ca171fdf329d503cb/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_runner.py#L652-L665 catches the error and exits with an exit code 1.

The schema validation does handle validating the value in the config (I guess it didn't when this code was written), and encrypt_data isn't used anywhere besides in setting the encrypt parameter in uploading the logs to S3, so I just cut out the variable assignment altogether and just directly plug the value from the pipeline config into the S3 call https://github.com/FCP-INDI/C-PAC/blob/d463fd3d095687bfbfae5c5cf99effb10a2d50ef/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py#L765


I was going to write tests for this, but I don't think we need any:


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