Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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šŸ› not running multiple subjects simultaneously #2098

Open nimzodisaster opened 5 months ago

nimzodisaster commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

My pipeline (see below) indicates that I want to run 16 subjects at once, but it only processes one at a time. I don't remember needing SGE / SLURM for multiple runs on the same machine.

To reproduce

No response


Custom pipeline configuration

%YAML 1.1
# CPAC Pipeline Configuration YAML file
# Version 1.8.6.dev1
# http://fcp-indi.github.io for more info.
# Tip: This file can be edited manually with a text editor for quick modifications.


  # Name for this pipeline configuration - useful for identification.
  # This string will be sanitized and used in filepaths
  pipeline_name: APP-default-pipeline


    # Directory where C-PAC should write out processed data, logs, and crash reports.
    # - If running in a container (Singularity/Docker), you can simply set this to an arbitrary
    #   name like '/outputs', and then map (-B/-v) your desired output directory to that label.
    # - If running outside a container, this should be a full path to a directory.
    path: /outputs/output

    # (Optional) Path to a BIDS-Derivatives directory that already has outputs.
    #   - This option is intended to ingress already-existing resources from an output
    #     directory without writing new outputs back into the same directory.
    #   - If provided, C-PAC will ingress the already-computed outputs from this directory and
    #     continue the pipeline from where they leave off.
    #   - If left as 'None', C-PAC will ingress any already-computed outputs from the
    #     output directory you provide above in 'path' instead, the default behavior.
    source_outputs_dir: None

    # Set to True to make C-PAC ingress the outputs from the primary output directory if they
    # exist, even if a source_outputs_dir is provided
    #   - Setting to False will pull from source_outputs_dir every time, over-writing any
    #     calculated outputs in the main output directory
    #   - C-PAC will still pull from source_outputs_dir if the main output directory is
    #     empty, however
    pull_source_once: True

    # Include extra versions and intermediate steps of functional preprocessing in the output directory.
    write_func_outputs: False

    # Include extra outputs in the output directory that may be of interest when more information is needed.
    write_debugging_outputs: False

    # Output directory format and structure.
    # Options: default, ndmg
    output_tree: "default"

    # Quality control outputs
      # Generate quality control pages containing preprocessing and derivative outputs.
      generate_quality_control_images: True

      # Generate eXtensible Connectivity Pipeline-style quality control files
      generate_xcpqc_files: False


    # Directory where C-PAC should store temporary and intermediate files.
    # - This directory must be saved if you wish to re-run your pipeline from where you left off (if not completed).
    # - NOTE: As it stores all intermediate files, this directory can grow to become very
    #   large, especially for data with a large amount of TRs.
    # - If running in a container (Singularity/Docker), you can simply set this to an arbitrary
    #   name like '/work', and then map (-B/-v) your desired output directory to that label.
    # - If running outside a container, this should be a full path to a directory.
    # - This can be written to '/tmp' if you do not intend to save your working directory.
    path: /outputs/working

    # Deletes the contents of the Working Directory after running.
    # This saves disk space, but any additional preprocessing or analysis will have to be completely re-run.
    remove_working_dir: True


    # Whether to write log details of the pipeline run to the logging files.
    run_logging: True

    path: /outputs/logs

    # Configuration options for logging visualizations of the workflow graph
      # Configuration for a graphviz visualization of the entire workflow. See https://fcp-indi.github.io/docs/developer/nodes#CPAC.pipeline.nipype_pipeline_engine.Workflow.write_graph for details about the various options
        # Whether to generate the graph visualization
        generate: Off
        # Options: [orig, hierarchical, flat, exec, colored]
        graph2use: []
        # Options: [svg, png]
        format: []
        # The node name will be displayed in the form `nodename (package)` when On or `nodename.Class.package` when Off
        simple_form: On


    # Directory where CPAC should write crash logs.
    path: /outputs/crash

    # Stop worklow execution on first crash?
    fail_fast: Off
    # Random seed used to fix the state of execution.
    # If unset, each process uses its own default.
    # If set, a `random.log` file will be generated logging the random seed and each node to which that seed was applied.
    # If set to a positive integer (up to 2147483647), that integer will be used to seed each process that accepts a random seed.
    # If set to 'random', a random positive integer (up to 2147483647) will be generated and that seed will be used to seed each process that accepts a random seed.

    # Select Off if you intend to run CPAC on a single machine.
    # If set to On, CPAC will attempt to submit jobs through the job scheduler / resource manager selected below.

      run: Off

      # Sun Grid Engine (SGE), Portable Batch System (PBS), or Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM).
      # Only applies if you are running on a grid or compute cluster.
      resource_manager: SLURM

        # SGE Parallel Environment to use when running CPAC.
        # Only applies when you are running on a grid or compute cluster using SGE.
        parallel_environment:  mpi_smp

        # SGE Queue to use when running CPAC.
        # Only applies when you are running on a grid or compute cluster using SGE.
        queue:  LocalQ

    # The maximum amount of memory each participant's workflow can allocate.
    # Use this to place an upper bound of memory usage.
    # - Warning: 'Memory Per Participant' multiplied by 'Number of Participants to Run Simultaneously'
    #   must not be more than the total amount of RAM.
    # - Conversely, using too little RAM can impede the speed of a pipeline run.
    # - It is recommended that you set this to a value that when multiplied by
    #   'Number of Participants to Run Simultaneously' is as much RAM you can safely allocate.
    maximum_memory_per_participant: 4

    # Prior to running a pipeline C-PAC makes a rough estimate of a worst-case-scenario maximum concurrent memory usage with high-resoltion data, raising an exception describing the recommended minimum memory allocation for the given configuration.
    # Turning this option off will allow pipelines to run without allocating the recommended minimum, allowing for more efficient runs at the risk of out-of-memory crashes (use at your own risk)
    raise_insufficient: On

    # A callback.log file from a previous run can be provided to estimate memory usage based on that run.
      # Path to callback log file with previously observed usage.
      # Can be overridden with the commandline flag `--runtime_usage`.
      # Percent. E.g., `buffer: 10` would estimate 1.1 * the observed memory usage from the callback log provided in "usage".
      # Can be overridden with the commandline flag `--runtime_buffer`.
      buffer: 10

    # The maximum amount of cores (on a single machine) or slots on a node (on a cluster/grid)
    # to allocate per participant.
    # - Setting this above 1 will parallelize each participant's workflow where possible.
    #   If you wish to dedicate multiple cores to ANTS-based anatomical registration (below),
    #   this value must be equal or higher than the amount of cores provided to ANTS.
    # - The maximum number of cores your run can possibly employ will be this setting multiplied
    #   by the number of participants set to run in parallel (the 'Number of Participants to Run
    #   Simultaneously' setting).
    max_cores_per_participant: 1

    # The number of cores to allocate to ANTS-based anatomical registration per participant.
    # - Multiple cores can greatly speed up this preprocessing step.
    # - This number cannot be greater than the number of cores per participant.
    num_ants_threads: 1

    # The number of cores to allocate to processes that use OpenMP.
    num_OMP_threads: 1

    # The number of participant workflows to run at the same time.
    # - The maximum number of cores your run can possibly employ will be this setting
    #   multiplied by the number of cores dedicated to each participant (the 'Maximum Number of Cores Per Participant' setting).
    num_participants_at_once: 16

    # Full path to the FSL version to be used by CPAC.
    # If you have specified an FSL path in your .bashrc file, this path will be set automatically.

Run command

No response

Expected behavior

16 simultaenous processing streams

Acceptance criteria

run multi


No response

C-PAC version


Container platform

No response

Docker and/or Singularity version(s)

No response

Additional context

my docker command:

docker run -i --rm  --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
        -v /mnt/Friar/rs/BIDS_DATA/APP:/bids_dataset \
        -v /mnt/Friar/rs/BIDS_DATA/derivatives/cpac1.8.6-proc001:/outputs \
        -v /tmp:/tmp \
        fcpindi/c-pac:latest /bids_dataset /outputs participant \
        --pipeline-file /outputs/configs/pipeline_config_APP_default.yml \
        --bold-label ses-1_task-rest --participant-label $sub 
shnizzedy commented 5 months ago

It looks like the underlying issue here is that C-PAC is synching the number of available cores (--n_cpus) to the number of available cores per participant, so it will (while this bug is present) always run one participant at a time, though it can run an analysis in multiple threads.

We'll fix this in an upcoming release.

nimzodisaster commented 5 months ago

Would I avoid it if using SGE?