Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Human Connectome Project subject list #341

Closed syoh closed 10 years ago

syoh commented 10 years ago

Hello, Thanks for working on this much needed software.

I am having trouble processing the Human Connectome Data with CPAC. What I am trying to achieve is the nuisance signal regression. http://fcp-indi.github.io/docs/user/nuisance.html

I tried using the following subject list:

anatomicalTemplate  :  /home/yoohoo/Data/%s/%s/T1w.nii.gz 
functionalTemplate  :  /home/yoohoo/Data/%s/%s/MNINonLinear/Results/rfMRI_REST*_LR/rfMRI_REST*_*_hp2000_clean.nii.gz 
subjectList  :  None 
exclusionSubjectList  :  None 
siteList  :  None 
scanParametersCSV  :  None 
outputSubjectListLocation  :  /home/yoohoo/Data/hcp_output 

I get the following error:

In [2]: CPAC.utils.extract_data.run('data_config.yaml')
For any errors or messages check the log file - /home/syoh/Data/extract_data_logs.log
Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/syoh/Data/<ipython-input-2-855581fc0eb7> in <module>()
----> 1 CPAC.utils.extract_data.run('data_config.yaml')

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/CPAC/utils/extract_data.pyc in run(data_config)
    518         s_param_map = None
--> 520     extract_data(c, s_param_map)
    521     generate_suplimentary_files(c.outputSubjectListLocation)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/CPAC/utils/extract_data.pyc in extract_data(c, param_map)
    207     func_session_present, func_session_path, func_relative = \
--> 208         check_for_sessions(func_relative, func_relative_len)
    210     anat_session_present, anat_session_path, anat_relative = \

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/CPAC/utils/extract_data.pyc in check_for_sessions(relative_path, path_length)
    202                   "For more information refer to manual"
    203             logging.exception(msg)
--> 204             raise Exception(msg)
    205         return session_present, session_path, relative_path

Exception: extract_data script currently doesn't support this directory structure.Please provide the subjects_list file to run CPAC.For more information refer to manual

Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your help!

stymy commented 10 years ago

Hi Syoh,

Thanks for using CPAC.

Could you tell me what the actual directory paths are to your data? Where is an example rest and anatomical file located?


syoh commented 10 years ago

Hi stymy,

Thanks for getting back to me.

I decided to use the preprocessed files that the human connectome project (HCP) releases in order to skip many of the steps. All I want to do with CPAC is global signal regression.

What is the best way to make CPAC just do this portion of the pipeline? Would this be possible?

stymy commented 10 years ago

Every CPAC function has an on/off selection, so it should be possible to just run global signal regression.

From the pipeline configuration window you open Environment Setup > Preprocessing Workflow Options and turn off gather/run anatomical analysis and keep on gather/run functional data preprocessing. Likewise, turn off other functional preprocessing functions that you do not wish to perform.

In order to select global signal regression, navigate to Nuisance > Nuisance Correction and add a new option under Corrections using the green (+) button. Then check off global.

I hope this helps!