FCP-INDI / cpac

A convenience wrapper for https://github.com/FCP-INDI/C-PAC that provides a simple command line interface.
MIT License
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🎨 Standardize `.yaml` file extension #82

Closed shnizzedy closed 1 month ago

shnizzedy commented 1 month ago


Fixes broken badge in README


001c616 renamed .yml files to .yaml files but missed a few and a few references to those files. This PR updates those missed files and references.

Technical details

Something changed that dropped the CI bot's permission to push changes, so I went ahead and included in this PR moving the README update from GitHub Actions https://github.com/FCP-INDI/cpac/blob/e70705b4491dbfbba20d637c9258650d99c175bb/.github/workflows/test_cpac.yaml#L145-L178 to pre-commit https://github.com/FCP-INDI/cpac/blob/9907c4389e0337c3f638859fde5a5d25f9337cd8/.pre-commit-config.yaml#L43-L47 https://github.com/FCP-INDI/cpac/blob/9907c4389e0337c3f638859fde5a5d25f9337cd8/.pre-commit-hooks/update_README.py#L1-L43



broken badge


unbroken badge


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