FCP-INDI / cpac_run_logs

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C-PAC v1.8.0.dev - anat-only preconfig #10

Open shnizzedy opened 3 years ago

shnizzedy commented 3 years ago

C-PAC Run Info

Description anat-only preconfig
Version v1.8.0.dev
Container Docker version 18.09.7, build 2d0083d
fcpindi/c-pac:dev-v1.8 (62e1dcd1fa33) 2021-02-18T10:00:22.916690611Z
System AWS EC2


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/code/run.py", line 662, in <module>
    test_config = 1 if args.analysis_level == "test_config" else 0
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_runner.py", line 549, in run
    p_name, plugin, plugin_args, test_config)
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py", line 347, in run_workflow
    subject_id, sub_dict, c, p_name, num_ants_cores
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py", line 1055, in build_workflow
    wf = connect_pipeline(wf, cfg, rpool, pipeline_blocks)
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py", line 806, in connect_pipeline
    wf = nb.connect_block(wf, cfg, rpool)
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/engine.py", line 1096, in connect_block
    pipe_x, opt)
  File "/code/CPAC/registration/registration.py", line 1918, in coregistration
    node, out = strat_pool.get_data('bold_coreg_input')
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/engine.py", line 262, in get_data
    return self.get(resource)['data']
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/engine.py", line 233, in get
    raise LookupError("\n\n[!] C-PAC says: The listed resource is "
LookupError: When trying to connect node block 'coregistration' to workflow 'cpac_1019436' after node block 'coregistration_prep_mean':

[!] C-PAC says: The listed resource is not in the resource pool:

Developer Note: This may be due to a mismatch between the node block's docstring 'input' field and a strat_pool.get_data() call within the block function.


cpac -B /media/ebs/CPAC_regtest_pack:/configs /media/ebs/C-PAC/dev/docker_data:/cpac_resources/  \
    --platform docker --tag dev-v1.8 \
    run /media/ebs/runs /media/ebs/runs/2021-02-18b/anat-only participant \
    --preconfig anat-only \
    --save_working_dir \
    --data_config_file /configs/data_config_regtest.yml \
    --n_cpus 8 \
    --mem_gb 15
shnizzedy commented 3 years ago

If I turn of coregistration:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/code/run.py", line 662, in <module>
    test_config = 1 if args.analysis_level == "test_config" else 0
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_runner.py", line 549, in run
    p_name, plugin, plugin_args, test_config)
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py", line 347, in run_workflow
    subject_id, sub_dict, c, p_name, num_ants_cores
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py", line 1055, in build_workflow
    wf = connect_pipeline(wf, cfg, rpool, pipeline_blocks)
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/cpac_pipeline.py", line 806, in connect_pipeline
    wf = nb.connect_block(wf, cfg, rpool)
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/engine.py", line 1096, in connect_block
    pipe_x, opt)
  File "/code/CPAC/registration/registration.py", line 2051, in create_func_to_T1template_xfm
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/engine.py", line 262, in get_data
    return self.get(resource)['data']
  File "/code/CPAC/pipeline/engine.py", line 233, in get
    raise LookupError("\n\n[!] C-PAC says: The listed resource is "
LookupError: When trying to connect node block 'create_func_to_T1template_xfm' to workflow 'cpac_1019436' after node block 'register_FSL_EPI_to_template':

[!] C-PAC says: The listed resource is not in the resource pool:

Developer Note: This may be due to a mismatch between the node block's docstring 'input' field and a strat_pool.get_data() call within the block function.
shnizzedy commented 3 years ago

If I also turn off func_registration_to_template, the run begins.