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đź“ť Clarify sequence of steps #267

Open shnizzedy opened 2 years ago

shnizzedy commented 2 years ago

Related problem

Time series extraction: It is not clear at which step the time series is extracted,e.g. after minimal preprocessing, after nuisance regression, etc.?

Network centrality, ReHo, ALFF. Similar question, at which step these will be calculated?

Longitudinal template. No document for this option. I guess it is for the anatomical image across sessions?

Nuisance regression. 2-nuisance regression. What is the bandPass option here? Is it band-pass filtering on the regressor or just adds band-pass filtering to filter the data? Doesn’t matter if selected or not, it always shows as selected.

Nuisance regression - Regressor mask. No document for this option. are the options “csf_erosion_prop”, “csf_mask_erosion_mm”, “csf_erosion_mm” OR or AND? What does it mean “csf_erosion_prop”? Use the probability map to threshold the mask? Or it means that keep e.g. 0.6 proportion of a given tissue mask that defined in the earlier step? And, default 30mm for “GM_mask_erosion_mm” seems off, too big.

How can we select fork GSR and noGSR in the GUI? If can’t do it in GUI, could we have a note in GUI to tell the user how to fork this option in the config?

_Originally posted by @TingsterX in https://github.com/FCP-INDI/C-PAC_GUI/issues/131#issue-1078815479_

Proposed feature

In addition to the flowchart, include information in each step regarding what comes before / after

Acceptance criteria


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