FDA-ARGOS / data.argosdb

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Christie - Flu strain selection for the FDA Biocuration #409

Closed cwoodside1278 closed 1 month ago

cwoodside1278 commented 5 months ago

Select 5 flu strains to QC and propose to Jonathon and the FDA.

cwoodside1278 commented 5 months ago

Strains have been selected. Because the FDA meeting was moved to February, I will wait to update them then or wait and propose new strains that have been recently collected.

cwoodside1278 commented 5 months ago

Working on this w/ Crandalls group. My notes and suggestions and listed in this powerpoint. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ttOOYLQbmBX8WtyxjkYwnk8jHABsayMv4VhyEAZrMrE/edit#slide=id.p

cwoodside1278 commented 5 months ago

Task will be handed off to @emdelattre

cwoodside1278 commented 1 month ago

This has been completed/moved to another ticket