FDA-ARGOS / data.argosdb

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Christie - push all data to data.argosdb #419

Closed cwoodside1278 closed 1 month ago

cwoodside1278 commented 5 months ago

This is for HIVE3 testing. Once done testing/HIVE3 works well the data will be pushed.

cwoodside1278 commented 4 months ago

Blocked until HIVE3 is updated

cwoodside1278 commented 1 month ago

We will push some of the successful data to Argos tomorrow 05/15

cwoodside1278 commented 1 month ago

Data push was a success. One sample in ngsQC_HIVE that was computed through HIVE3. See change log for details https://github.com/FDA-ARGOS/data_release_notes_and_changeLog_documentation-/blob/cwoodside1278-ChangeLog/may_15_changelog