FDA / openfda

openFDA is a research project to provide open APIs, raw data downloads, documentation and examples, and a developer community for an important collection of FDA public datasets.
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Adverse Events missing data files? #157

Closed maksle closed 3 years ago

maksle commented 3 years ago

The latest data files under https://open.fda.gov/apis/drug/event/download/ are for 2020 Q3. However, there are results returned by the API for later dates (are the data file dates organized by quarter/year of the receivedate field?): https://api.fda.gov/drug/event.json?search=receivedate:[20201201+TO+20210208]&count=receivedate If so, it appears they are missing from the download page (or are they buried under some of the "All other data" files perhaps?).

dkrylovsb commented 3 years ago

Yes, they were buried under the "All other" section. Thank you for alerting us; this is now fixed.