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openFDA is a research project to provide open APIs, raw data downloads, documentation and examples, and a developer community for an important collection of FDA public datasets.
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Foods › Adverse Events API data not updated #177

Closed hendrik-hog closed 1 year ago

hendrik-hog commented 2 years ago

The Foods › Adverse Events API has not been updated in over a year. image Is there a specific reason for this and can we expect the data to be updated again at some point?

dkrylovsb commented 2 years ago

openFDA feeds its Food Adverse Events endpoint off of this page on the FDA website, which in its turn has not been updated since 7.29.2020 as of time of this writing. CAERS data files provide data only up to March, 2020, which is why the data in openFDA is also 1 year old.

We will inquiry within the FDA to see what might be causing the delay and post here if we have anything to report. Sorry about the inconvenience.

dkrylovsb commented 2 years ago

Just a FYI: the FDA has updated the CAERS data files on their website; that update has been applied in openFDA as well. 👍