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Resolving URL for each device-recall via download.json api #178

Closed grimuz closed 2 years ago

grimuz commented 2 years ago


we are currently crawling the "download.json" API and process the "results.device.recall" section of this json-file to download all Device-Recall Data from OpenFDA.

This would be:

We would like to have (for each such downloaded Device-Recall) the corresponding URL of the Device-Event in den FDA accessdata web-interface.

For example:

But the downloaded Device-Recall Data does not contain this URL and also does not contain the "id" that would be needed to construct this URL on the fly.

The OpenFDA searchable fields does not list this URL or the "id" needed for the URL in the searchable fields. Also see:

see also: https://opendata.stackexchange.com/questions/18149/how-do-i-get-the-url-for-a-specific-medical-device-recall-via-api

thanks in advance!

dkrylovsb commented 2 years ago

Yes, we will work on getting the id added to the Device Recall records and post back once done. 👍

dkrylovsb commented 2 years ago

A new field named cfres_id has been added to the Device Recalls dataset.