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No Updates to Drug Enforcement Recall API #182

Closed al2882 closed 2 years ago

al2882 commented 2 years ago

I have been trying to test the functionality of the Drug Enforcement Report API since last week.

There were 2 drugs that were class 1 recalls: on 2022-01-05. It is now 2022-01-12 and there have been no updates: https://api.fda.gov/drug/enforcement.json?search=product_type:%22Drugs%22+AND+classification:%22Class+I%22+AND+report_date:20220105&limit=10

What is the actual schedule for API updates?

dkrylovsb commented 2 years ago

We update the Enforcement endpoints weekly; however, the most recent update has gotten a bit behind the schedule due to a minor technical issue. We are in process of catching up as we speak and will report back here once that activity is completed. Sorry about the inconvenience.

dkrylovsb commented 2 years ago

The endpoint has been refreshed and the issue is now fixed.