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Maude-Device-Events falling behind #187

Closed grimuz closed 2 years ago

grimuz commented 2 years ago

i want to ask why the Maude-Device-Event Files for 2022 Q2 are currently not available in the downloads. See:

https://open.fda.gov/data/downloads/ It states: last updated on 2022-06-23.

Thanks for any help or info.

best regards, Bernd Huber

violetcrestedwren commented 2 years ago

Hi Bernd,

Those files are indeed updated quarterly, although we cannot provide an exact date on when they become available. It typically happens during the following quarter, most often within the first month of that quarter once all of the previous quarter's data is available and compiled. The webpage you linked will update when those files are available.

Hope that helps, Violet Wren