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API not showing 2/22/2023 class II recalls #193

Closed al2882 closed 1 year ago

al2882 commented 1 year ago

This recall happened on Feb. 22, 2023: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/ires/index.cfm?Product=198118

Today is Feb. 24, 2023 and the results do not show on the API: https://api.fda.gov/drug/enforcement.json?search=product_type:%22Drugs%22+AND+classification:%22Class+II%22+AND+report_date:[2023-02-20+TO+2023-12-31]&limit=1000

Can you check if the API is refreshing correctly?


dkrylovsb commented 1 year ago

The recall in question now appears within the results.