FDSN / StationXML

The FDSN StationXML schema and related documents
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revise compatibility requirements #113

Open crotwell opened 2 years ago

crotwell commented 2 years ago

See: http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/

The targetNamespace of the document identifies the major version of the schema and document, version 1.x of the schema uses a target namespace of http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1. All minor versions of a will be backwards compatible with previous minor releases. For example, all 1.x schemas are backwards compatible with and will validate documents for 1.0. Major changes to the schema that would break backwards compatibility will increment the major version number, e.g. 2.0, and the namespace, e.g. http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/2.

It is not clear to me if this is sufficient for what is actually needed for "backwards compatibility". Validation across versions may be less important than if software written to use a 1.x version can be expected to parse a 1.y document without breaking. If that is important, then removing elements is ok, but adding them is not. This is opposite of the statement that

all 1.x schemas ... will validate documents for 1.0.

and so perhaps should be

the 1.0 schema ... will validate documents for 1.x.

I am not sure I am clear on how best to handle this, but I feel like schema backwards compatibility and document backwards compatibility kind of point in opposite directions.

Whatever is decided, should add a section to documentation overview.rst stating this, so it lives with the schema and not just only on the fdsn web site.

PetrColinSky commented 2 years ago

I see your concern and agree with it. It looks like a more general issue probably expected in other code development as well. Once there is any schema change applied, there needs to be a clear statement, what schema can validate which document (whatever we call it). To me, it is not that important what happens, but more important is to have a clear message about it directly in the schema, as you @crotwell suggest.

crotwell commented 2 years ago

@chad-iris in #112 pointed to https://snowplowanalytics.com/blog/2014/05/13/introducing-schemaver-for-semantic-versioning-of-schemas/#schemaver

which might be useful for how to make the documentation more clear.

jschaeff commented 2 years ago

From this interesting post pointed by @chad-iris , we could derive some rule in order to clarify the schema evolution/incompatibilities:

The schema format is M-R-A. 3 digits strictly > 0.

We could start our versionning on 2-0-0 Some examples here:

Some ideas I like here :

crotwell commented 2 years ago

Seems like this will require schema change due to schemaVersion being 'decimal'

jschaeff commented 2 years ago

Yes, the schemaVersion type must be changed for the next major version.