Codes and data for USENIX Security 24 paper "MAGIC: Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats via Masked Graph Representation Learning"
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Quesqions about pre-process part #1

Closed bimbo80C closed 9 months ago

bimbo80C commented 9 months ago

could u explain what the variable "malicious_entity" in "trace_parser.py" represent? (as following,if I take trace as dataset parameter, what should trace.txt be?) def read_graphs(dataset): malicious_entities = '../data/{}/{}.txt'.format(dataset, dataset) f = open(malicious_entities, 'r') malicious_entities = set() for l in f.readlines(): malicious_entities.add(l.lstrip().rstrip()) ...

Jimmyokok commented 9 months ago

Go to ThreaTrace and you will find these .txt ground truth files in the folder "groundtruth".

bimbo80C commented 9 months ago

Thank you! I GOT IT.