simple SMS-BOMBER and SMS Sender made with python work for Windows and Linux
336 stars 66 forks source link

MAJOR ISSUE ( take this from a cyber weapons developer ) #18

Open TotallyNotAHaxxer opened 2 years ago

TotallyNotAHaxxer commented 2 years ago

hey! my name is ArkAngeL43, and i was looking at this project and already i see a MAJOR issue, for one why wont you release the source code? if you want people to use your script please note when you only post the executable it will not work on other peoples systems this is because when you compile the code on your system it only sticks to that systems architecture an example

if you compile on a 64 BIT system you will only be able to execute that file on a 64 bit system, if your going to compile and write tools like this PLEASE make sure you are KNOWLEDGEABLE about compiling source code and releasing executable, if you think this is false please look into it, it would explain why google can not work if you download the 32 bit version on a 64 bit system.