FDX100 / cloud-killer

best application to bypass cloudflare made with Python3
38 stars 16 forks source link

Useless nonsense #3

Closed ethernalsteve closed 6 hours ago

ethernalsteve commented 3 years ago

In English:

God, what is this... It does not use a proxy, it spams packets with ping 😂😂 Just nonsense... Translated with google translate

На Русском: Боже, что это... Оно не использует прокси, спамит пакеты командой ping 😂😂 Просто чушь...

FDX100 commented 3 years ago

i think you have to watch codes again . it send get request to those subdomains in the list i set when ever response is 200 it count it as available then it send ping request to that subdomain to get IPAdress this IPAddress could be that new subdomain without cloudflare protection and server IPAddress is leaked in it . i hope you get it :smile: for proxy use proxychains beside auto_tor_ipchanger

ethernalsteve commented 3 years ago

And I thought it was "DDoS". Sorry, my friend IDIOT is to blame for everything, who wrote that this is "DDOS", but I did not study the code properly :) The method is not very effective, but it may work

Translated with google translate