As golint is now deprecated, this patch proposes to
switch to staticcheck [0] as an alternative, in addition
to go vet.
This patch contains fixes addressing the linter's reported
issues, with two added exceptions :
The MemoryStats deprectated fields are still for us to update
In gen_encoding.go we need to add an extra comment
to account for the unused variable. This is probably worth
addressing in another patch to not generate a variable we don't use.
As golint is now deprecated, this patch proposes to switch to staticcheck [0] as an alternative, in addition to
go vet
. This patch contains fixes addressing the linter's reported issues, with two added exceptions :gen_encoding.go
we need to add an extra comment to account for the unused variable. This is probably worth addressing in another patch to not generate a variable we don't use.[0]
Signed-off-by: Nathan Skrzypczak Change-Id: I0562f290fb908bc610c44d675e21e466d0badc27