FE-Driver / vue-beauty

Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design
MIT License
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Emitted value instead of an instance of Error #240

Open cloudZQY opened 7 years ago

cloudZQY commented 7 years ago

when I import 'vue-beauty/package/style/vue-beauty.min.css',I have a error like this image I guess the error caused by this code

.ant-spin-blur {
  overflow: hidden;
  opacity: 0.7;
  -webkit-filter: blur(0.5px);
  filter: blur(0.5px);
  /* autoprefixer: off */
  filter: progid\:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Blur(PixelRadius\=1, MakeShadow\=false);
  /* autoprefixer: on */
  -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);

if I delete /* autoprefixer: on */, this error resolved. the ant-design also have this problem, and they fixed. fix_3c1b4da

yuu2lee4 commented 7 years ago

ok thank you,i will fix it.