FEISystems / ca-adpq-prototype

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Provided sufficient documentation to install and run their prototype on another machine #167

Closed ClaireReinken closed 7 years ago

ClaireReinken commented 7 years ago

We need to provide sufficient documentation to install and run their prototype on another machine

ClaireReinken commented 7 years ago

The following steps were used to install and configure Visual Studio Code: Install Visual Studio Code

  1. Download the branch from Github https://github.com/FEISystems/ca-adpq-prototype

  2. Download and Install MySQL

  3. Open MySQL Workbench

  4. Create a database named CA

  5. Execute the database creation ca_proto\ca_service\DbScripts\BuildDatabase.txt in MySQL Workbench

  6. Open the prototype in Visual Studio Code

  7. Modify the connection string in the ca_proto\ca_proto\appSetting.json file. Configure Visual Studio Code

  8. On the left side of VS Code, from the menu options, select the bottom icon which represents extensions. To run the prototype in VS Code you will need the C# extension (shown installed below) to be installed:

  9. Once that extension is installed, go to the next menu icon up (Debug), and click on the Gear at the top (the tooltip will say “Configure or Fix launch.json”):

  10. Select “.NET Core”, and VS Code will create a launch.json file. Once that is done, click the green “play” button. VS Code will show the following:

  11. Select “Configure Task Runner”, then select “.NET Core” from the option list that follows. VS Code will create a “tasks.json” file. The tasks.json file needs to be modified to pass the location of the “project.json” file, modify the “args” property underneath the “tasks” property as follows:

  12. Once this change is made, switch back to the “launch.json” file. Under the entry for “.NET Core Launch (web)”, change the “program” and “cwd” attributes as follows:

  13. Once that is done, the dependencies will need to be restored. Go to the View | Integrated Terminal menu option. That should open a command prompt at the root of the repository. Change into the ca_proto directory and run “dotnet restore”:

  14. Once this is done, go back to the Debug tab on the left, make sure that “.NET Core Launch (web)” is selected, and hit the play button.