FESOM / fesom2

Multi-resolution ocean general circulation model.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Transient Tracers #572

Closed JanStreffing closed 3 months ago

JanStreffing commented 3 months ago

I checkout out https://github.com/FESOM/fesom2/tree/2.1-awiesm-2.1-with-transient-tracers and did a git revert on the critical commit https://github.com/FESOM/fesom2/pull/570/commits/fb6eab8aa3bbdf1c0201359bbc841fdafd8507ee.

The result is, that the MR reduces from 279 changes files to 42 changed files, and from +62,015 −116,851 lines to a much more manageable +8,685 −150. A plenitude of conflicts remain though.

@mbutzin, please have a look if this branch still constitutes a working tracers branch, or if undoing that commit anything critical got lost. Note that no src/ files were changed, but lots of namelists were.

mbutzin commented 3 months ago

I checkout out https://github.com/FESOM/fesom2/tree/2.1-awiesm-2.1-with-transient-tracers and did a git revert on the critical commit fb6eab8.

The result is, that the MR reduces from 279 changes files to 42 changed files, and from +62,015 −116,851 lines to a much more manageable +8,685 −150. A plenitude of conflicts remain though.

@mbutzin, please have a look if this branch still constitutes a working tracers branch, or if undoing that commit anything critical got lost. Note that no src/ files were changed, but lots of namelists were.

I checkout out https://github.com/FESOM/fesom2/tree/2.1-awiesm-2.1-with-transient-tracers and did a git revert on the critical commit fb6eab8.

The result is, that the MR reduces from 279 changes files to 42 changed files, and from +62,015 −116,851 lines to a much more manageable +8,685 −150. A plenitude of conflicts remain though.

@mbutzin, please have a look if this branch still constitutes a working tracers branch, or if undoing that commit anything critical got lost. Note that no src/ files were changed, but lots of namelists were.

Checked ... Go ahead, @JanStreffing!

JanStreffing commented 3 months ago

@mbutzin and I had a look at this and came to the conclusion, that many of the code changes and subsequent MR conflicts result from the older realization of iceberg and wiso. Both have today been mergen in a newer version via: https://github.com/FESOM/fesom2/pull/489

I will try to rebase Martins tracer code on top of the current refactoring branch instead. This would result in a much smaller MR.

JanStreffing commented 3 months ago

Here is the preliminary result with a simple git patch:

git status
On branch refactoring_tracers_butzin
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    modified:   config/namelist.config
    modified:   config/namelist.forcing
    modified:   src/gen_modules_clock.F90
    modified:   src/oce_ale_tracer.F90

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

While that is more reject than clean applications, I can already tell from the low number of files affected, that this seems quite doable. @mbutzin Tomorrow we sit down with you to make this happen. I think we can manage the resulting MR for 2.6.

JanStreffing commented 3 months ago

superseded by https://github.com/FESOM/fesom2/pull/576