FESOM / fesom2

Multi-resolution ocean general circulation model.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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problems running example- fesom 2.0 #585

Open akb75 opened 2 months ago

akb75 commented 2 months ago

I contacted Dr. Wilken-Jon von Appen some time ago about using the fesom2 model for studying fram strait circulation.

Hi everyone! I am trying to run the fesom2 example (listed in the getting started helper doc) for a small project I'm working on to study how different variations in salinity conditions, temperature, and ice affect the flow of Fram Strait and its effects on the Atlantic Ocean. I have also contact Dr. Qiang Wang about this as well, and I was trying to find a specific contact for help regarding these issues but the online contact documentation states the best way to do so is to open a github issue.

I am trying to run fesom2 on my laptop (windows, windows powershell, ubuntu), and I am running into some problems. I have tried several different methods listed below to configure the model. I downloaded the model off of github using git clone, and I am able to get to the refactoring branch. Following this, the following line gives problems:

bash -l ./configure.sh bash -l ./configure.sh ubuntu This command above produces the following error: PS C:\Users\anant\Documents\fram_strait_project\fesom2> bash -l ./configure.sh ubuntu Sourcing /mnt/c/Users/anant/Documents/fram_strait_project/fesom2/env/ubuntu/shell for environment /mnt/c/Users/anant/Documents/fram_strait_project/fesom2/env/ubuntu/shell: line 4: $'\r': command not found

If I run ./configure.sh ubuntu, the configure file opens on my computer, but there is nothing in the bin directory where the Parms library and model executable should be built.

Another method I am trying is to run using docker desktop, but the following command gives me an error. docker run -it -v "$(pwd)"/fesom2:/fesom/fesom2 koldunovn/fesom2_test:refactoring2 /bin/bash docker: invalid reference format.

I am able to pull the image, but I am not able to get inside of the container. I am not sure how to fix the errors.

Also, when installing the following ubuntu packages, I obtain an error that apt-get -y install cmake vim git libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev libpmi2-pmix E: Unable to locate package libpmi2-pmix

If someone could provide any guidance on how to proceed, I would greatly appreciate this!

koldunovn commented 1 month ago

I don't think that anyone run ever run FESOM on windows, only in docker container. We also don't use windows machines, so it would be hard to reproduce your errors. @dsidoren I know you run FESOM with docker on linux with students, do you have some instructions?

You mention that the purpose is to study Fram strait circulation - I don't know what configuration you have in mind, but running FESOM on a laptop with anything larger than PI mesh is more or less hopeless - it will be too slow.

So the best way to go it to try to run FESOM on *nix machine with good amount of compute cores. Even if the problems on windows will be fixed, you will not be able to run large enough configurations.