FEUP-ESOF-2020-21 / open-cx-t5g1-wevotewetalk

open-cx-t5g1-youvotewetalk created by GitHub Classroom
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6. As a user I want to participate/create in diferent conferences [EPIC] [Effort:10] #27

Closed ricardofdc closed 3 years ago

ricardofdc commented 4 years ago

UI Mockups:

Acceptance Tests:

  Scenario: User joins a conference
    Given I have logged in or registered
    When I press the join conference button
    And I insert a conference code in the conference code field
    And the conference code is valid
    And I press the Join Talk button
    Then User has entered an Open Space conference
  Scenario: Moderator creates a conference
    Given I have logged in or registered
    When I press the create conference button
    And I insert a name conference name field
    And I press the create conference button
    Then Moderator has created an Open Space conference
  Scenario: User enters a conference
    Given I have logged in or registered
    When I press the enter conference button
    And I press one of the available conference buttons
    Then User has entered that Open Space conference

Value: Must have Effort: 10