FEUP-ESOF-2020-21 / open-cx-t5g1-wevotewetalk

open-cx-t5g1-youvotewetalk created by GitHub Classroom
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2. As a moderator, I want to have access to a control panel so that I can control the flow of the conference. [EPIC] [Effort: 10] #29

Closed ricardofdc closed 3 years ago

ricardofdc commented 4 years ago

UI Mockups:

Acceptance Tests:

  Scenario: Moderator manages the schedule
    Given I am on the main menu page after entering, joining or creating a conference
    When I press the moderator options button
    And I press the close voting and manage schedule button
    Then User will be able to generate a schedule of sessions as I wish.

Value: Must have Effort: 10