FEUP-ESOF-2020-21 / open-cx-t5g1-wevotewetalk

open-cx-t5g1-youvotewetalk created by GitHub Classroom
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0. As a user, I want to open to see a Main Page when I open the app so that I can navigate around the app. (Effort: 5) #5

Closed ricardofdc closed 4 years ago

ricardofdc commented 4 years ago

UI Mockups:

Acceptance Tests:

  Scenario: User login fail
    Given I am on the login page
    When I type "valid@test.mail" in the email field
    And I type "wrongpassword" in the password field
    And I press the login button
    Then User is not logged in
  Scenario: User login
    Given I am on the login page
    When I type "valid@test.mail" in the email field
    And I type "validpassword" in the password field
    And I press the login button
    Then User is logged in
  Scenario: User register
    Given I am on the register page
    When I type "newemail@test.mail" in the email field
    And I type "newpassword" in the password field
    And I press the register button
    Then User is added to the database

Value: Must have Effort: 5