FEniCS / ufl

UFL - Unified Form Language
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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introduce MixedMesh class #303

Open ksagiyam opened 2 months ago

ksagiyam commented 2 months ago

First half of https://github.com/FEniCS/ufl/pull/264

Introduce MixedMesh class for multi-mesh problems.

Note that extract_domains() now uses more robust sort_domains() inside, so it might behave slightly differently.

Edit 12-09-2024:

MixedMesh class represents a collection of meshes (e.g., submeshes) that, along with a MixedElement, can represent a mixed function space defined across multiple domains. The motivation is to allow for treating Arguments and Coefficients on a mixed function space defined across multiple domains just like those on a mixed function space defined on a single mesh.

Specifically, the following becomes possible (see tests for more):

    cell = triangle
    mesh0 = Mesh(FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1, (2,), identity_pullback, H1))
    mesh1 = Mesh(FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1, (2,), identity_pullback, H1))
    domain = MixedMesh([mesh0, mesh1])
    elem0 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1, (), identity_pullback, H1)
    elem1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 2, (), identity_pullback, H1)
    elem = MixedElement([elem0, elem1])
    V = FunctionSpace(domain, elem)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    v0, v1 = split(v)

For now, one can only perform cell integrations when MixedMeshes are used. This is because, e.g., an interior facet integration on a submesh may either be interior or exterior facet integration on the parent mesh, and we need a logic to apply default restrictions on coefficients defined on the participating meshes. This is the second half of https://github.com/FEniCS/ufl/pull/264.

Also, currently, all component meshes must have the same cell type (and thus the same topological dimension) -- we are to remove this limitation in the future.

Core changes:

ksagiyam commented 2 months ago

@jpdean @jorgensd This is what we briefly discussed at PDESoft. Could you have a look?

garth-wells commented 1 month ago

It would be helpful to have a PR summary, e.g. what it sets out the achieve, what it supports, designs considered, design rationale, implementation summary, and what a MixedMesh is and how a MixedMesh is different from a Mesh.

ksagiyam commented 1 month ago

Updated PR summary.

Added more checks.

Fixed MixedPullback.physical_value_shape().

ksagiyam commented 3 weeks ago

Can I have another round of review on this?