FFMS / ffms2

An FFmpeg based source library and Avisynth/VapourSynth plugin for easy frame accurate access
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No output from OBS mkv files. #348

Closed YellowOnion closed 4 years ago

YellowOnion commented 4 years ago

I hope this is the okay place to report, getting this strange issue with large (22GB) mkv files where I get no output for 5mins, the disk & CPU usage is pretty high, but after 5 mins I still don't get a single frame to work with.

The file plays instantly with vlc and ffplay, so I don't understand what is wrong.

core = vs.get_core(threads=4)
v     = core.ffms2.Source(source=video_file, seekmode=-1)

"C:\Program Files\VapourSynth\core\vspipe.exe" --y4m process.py - -a "video_file=D:\OBS-Records\2019-06-25_22-50-39.mkv" | ffplay pipe:

YellowOnion commented 4 years ago

Nevermind I figured it's because it's building an index, is there anyway to turn that off? I don't need that feature and it's wasting my time.