FFMS / ffms2

An FFmpeg based source library and Avisynth/VapourSynth plugin for easy frame accurate access
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linux version of ffms2 doen't support avisynth #361

Closed bill-baklushi closed 3 years ago

bill-baklushi commented 4 years ago

Hello. I compiled avi2yuv and libavisynth+ for my ubuntu. Linux version of libavisynth.so not supports AviSource (because of DirectShow), so I found ffms2.

Last version doesn't export AvisynthPluginInit3 at all, only VapourSynthPluginInit. And ubuntu's version (from package libffms2-dev) does't export it too.

Is any way to configure ffms2 with avisynth support on linux?

myrsloik commented 4 years ago

Se the most recent commits. It should be possible to enable.

bill-baklushi commented 4 years ago

I tried ./autogen.sh --enable=AVISYNTH but configure: error: unrecognized option: `--enable=AVISYNTH'

myrsloik commented 4 years ago
  1. Run autogen.sh with no arguments
  2. ./configure --enable-avisynth
bill-baklushi commented 4 years ago

Now compilation fails: src/avisynth/avssources.h:28:10: fatal error: avisynth.h: No such file or directory

bill-baklushi commented 4 years ago

It works: autogen.sh --enable-avisynth CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/avisynth/" Thanks.