FFMS / ffms2

An FFmpeg based source library and Avisynth/VapourSynth plugin for easy frame accurate access
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Problem if the file path has some special character #414

Closed manuelrn closed 11 months ago

manuelrn commented 1 year ago

Hello! I wanted to report a bug that occurs in the latest versions and did not occur in older versions.

The problem is that when I use FFVideoSource(), if the file path has some special character (for example letters like "á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú", "ñ", etc.) it fails and can't find the file. This happens in 1031029 and 780e931, however in 90975ec (and I think older versions as well) it works fine without any problem.

It would be greatly appreciated if it could be fixed and work like old versions again. Thank you so much!

myrsloik commented 1 year ago

Nothing related to filename handling has changed between those revisions at all. Actually it must be 5+ years since anything was changed related to that. Probably has something to do with the character encoding of the avisynth script.

manuelrn commented 1 year ago

Ah ok, sorry!

It is not the fault of AviSynth or the script, since using the same AviSynth and the same script and simply replacing the "ffms2.dll" and "ffmsindex.exe" files of the 3 versions I mentioned, FFVideoSource() works or does not work depending on the ffms2.dll/ffmsindex.exe files you use.

I figured then it would be a problem with this ffms2, but you tell me that it can't be a problem with this ffms2.

Then maybe it is the fault of the compilation of the place where I am downloading it: https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1983810#post1983810