FFmpeg / FFV1

The FFV1 lossless video codec specification.
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section should have pseudocode #231

Closed mcr closed 3 years ago

mcr commented 3 years ago

The interpretation of the <== and <==> is not clear. There is clearly a IF/THEN implied, but it is not clear how to code this.

S(i + 1, C(i)) = zerostate(S(i, C(i))) AND l(i) = L(i) AND t(i) = R(i) - r(i) <== (b(i) = 0 <==> L(i) < R(i) - r_(i))

Can you explain how this is meant to be read?  Maybe it’s just me, and maybe after you explain it I’ll whack myself on the head and say, “Doh!”


 IF            (b_(i) =  0                          AND
                L_(i) <  R_(i) - r_(i))
   S_(i + 1, C_(i)) =  zero_state_(S_(i, C_(i))) ;
          l_(i) =  L_(i)                     ;
          t_(i) =  R_(i) - r_(i)              
mcr commented 3 years ago


michaelni commented 3 years ago

IIRC the ==> <==> is not intended to be pseudocode. That is its not a "if" in code but rather a mathematical definition of the stream

michaelni commented 3 years ago

b(i) = 0 implies L(i) < R(i) - r(i) L(i) < R(i) - r(i) implies b(i) = 0 b(i) = 0 implies S(i + 1, C_(i)) = zerostate(S(i, C(i))) AND l(i) = L(i) AND t(i) = R(i) - r_(i)

in words IIRC

  1. means a 0 symbol at position i implies a specific relation of the range coder state when at that position
  2. means that specific relation of the range coder state when at position i implies that theres a 0 symbol
  3. means that a 0 symbol at position i implies how the state transition for the i+1 pos

So these things should define both the decoding and encoding

mcr commented 3 years ago

okay, so this is an attempt do a bijection of the mapping to/from code state and bitstream? Is there a precedence between <== and <==>? Maybe that's what confuses me most.

michaelni commented 3 years ago

A <== B <==> C is meant as A <== B, B <==> C which could also be written as A <== (B <==> C) which would make <==> have higher precedence

dwbuiten commented 3 years ago

What's worth noting is that this is the only bit of the spec that uses a mathematical definition like this (contrast it to the golomb-rice coding part of the spec).

When I implemented go-ffv1 I essentially ignored this part of the spec entirely, and had to use the original paper cited, and a bit of wikipedia. (I mentioned as much here: https://youtu.be/4HB7v7dItWE / https://mediaarea.net/Events/2019-12-05_NoTimeToWait4/13.%20Derek%20Buitenhuis%20-%20I%20Wrote%20an%20FFV1%20decoder%20in%20Go%20for%20Fun,%20What%20I%20learned%20going%20from%20Spec%20to%20Implementation/derek_nttw4_ffv1.pdf)

JeromeMartinez commented 3 years ago

@dwbuiten would you mind to suggest a patch to the spec about that for having all in the spec? I am working on all the other issues of the review but this one seems too big for my poor math skills.

dwbuiten commented 3 years ago

I can devise a patch using pseudocode, but I'd like to hear @michaelni's opinion first.

michaelni commented 3 years ago

I find the mathematical definition quite elegant but it clearly is not working for people. So adding pseudocode for the get/put is the logic solution. Iam in favor to add such pseudocode in addition to the mathematical stuff

JeromeMartinez commented 3 years ago

So adding pseudocode for the get/put

As the spec is, as most (all?) specs, focused on decoding, I suggest to have the pseudocode for the "get" part only, in addition of the mathematical definition focused on the "put" part we already have, it may be a good balance between not enough and too much.

michaelni commented 3 years ago

As the spec is, as most (all?) specs, focused on decoding, I suggest to have the pseudocode for the "get" part only, in addition of the mathematical definition focused on the "put" part we already have, it may be a good balance between not enough and too much.

I agree

dwbuiten commented 3 years ago

Can this issue be closed now that there is pseudocode?

dericed commented 3 years ago

I suggest leaving this issue open as there's active discussion in Barry's DISCUSS and his recent comments.

Barry notes that the formulae would be more readable with more definitions to each component variable of the formulae. As Barry suggested I moved the variables from a narrative to definition list in https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFV1/pull/255/files, but I need input on adding the other missing variables.

My draft is:

L_(i) is the Low value of the Range
l_(i) is a temporary storage variable used in assigning values to L_(i)
R_(i) is the Range value
r_(i) is a temporary storage variable used in assigning values to R_(i)
t_(i) is a temporary storage variable used in assigning values to R_(i)
S_(x, i) is the ‘x, 1’-th State

but am I understanding this values correctly? @michaelni @dwbuiten

I think it would be helpful too to make the cross-references of Table 4 more specific by referencing the Figure of the formula rather than the full section.

Currently, we have:

Symbol Definition
sg Golomb Rice coded signed scalar Symbol coded with the method described in Section 3.8.2
br Range coded Boolean (1-bit) Symbol with the method described in Section
ur Range coded unsigned scalar Symbol coded with the method described in Section
sr Range coded signed scalar Symbol coded with the method described in Section
sd Sample difference Symbol coded with the method described in Section 3.8

Can these cross-references be more precise?

dericed commented 3 years ago

new nudge to @michaelni @dwbuiten on the questions of my last comment. Also for the formula of Section would it make sense to group them in regards to the purpose they have?

dwbuiten commented 3 years ago

I agree with Barry that it's easier to parse as separate variables.

I'm not really sure how you intend to cross reference with Table 4, though? It's not really beneficial.

JeromeMartinez commented 3 years ago

It looks like this issue can be closed (https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFV1/pull/259 is merged).