FFmpeg / FFV1

The FFV1 lossless video codec specification.
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Renaming of the repo to ffv1-specification #268

Open JeromeMartinez opened 2 years ago

JeromeMartinez commented 2 years ago

Just some administrative stuff: even if we don't move to IETF CELLAR working group, it may make more sense to mimic the names of the repositories, i.e. ffv1-specification for being clear in the name and not only in the description that it is the spec.

michaelni commented 2 years ago

That would break all links and if we ever want to add something beyond the specification. Maybe some reference test files maybe some example code, whatever the name could be somewhat suboptimal

JeromeMartinez commented 2 years ago

GitHub handles the redirections :). For me the repo would be only for the specifications in order to emphasize it, and stuff beyond the spec would go in a dedicated repo.

I let this issue open in case there are comments from others then I close if not convinced.

michaelni commented 2 years ago

What is the oppinion of others ? (Feel free to just use the thumbs up/down thingies on the initial message to show your agreement disagreemnet if you have no further comments) personally iam divided on this. I like ffv1 its easy to remember and its short and theres no non spec repo to distingish it from

dericed commented 2 years ago

IIUC github will manage a redirection, such as happened for https://github.com/matroska-org/matroska-specification.