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Git LFS Specification #244

Open marcialwushu opened 3 years ago

marcialwushu commented 3 years ago

Git LFS Specification

This is a general guide for Git LFS clients. Typically it should be implemented by a command line git-lfs tool, but the details may be useful for other tools.

The Pointer

The core Git LFS idea is that instead of writing large blobs to a Git repository, only a pointer file is written.

An empty file is the pointer for an empty file. That is, empty files are passed through LFS without any change.

The required keys are:

Example of a v1 text pointer:

version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:4d7a214614ab2935c943f9e0ff69d22eadbb8f32b1258daaa5e2ca24d17e2393
size 12345
(ending \n)

Blobs created with the pre-release version of the tool generated files with a different version URL. Git LFS can read these files, but writes them using the version URL above.

version https://hawser.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:4d7a214614ab2935c943f9e0ff69d22eadbb8f32b1258daaa5e2ca24d17e2393
size 12345
(ending \n)

For testing compliance of any tool generating its own pointer files, the reference is this official Git LFS tool:

NOTE: exact pointer command behavior TBD!

Intercepting Git

Git LFS uses the clean and smudge filters to decide which files use it. The global filters can be set up with git lfs install:

$ git lfs install

These filters ensure that large files aren't written into the repository proper, instead being stored locally at .git/lfs/objects/{OID-PATH} (where {OID-PATH} is a sharded filepath of the form OID[0:2]/OID[2:4]/OID), synchronized with the Git LFS server as necessary. Here is a sample path to a file:


The clean filter runs as files are added to repositories. Git sends the content of the file being added as STDIN, and expects the content to write to Git as STDOUT.

Note that the clean filter does not push the file to the server. Use the git push command to do that (lfs files are pushed before commits in a pre-push hook).

The smudge filter runs as files are being checked out from the Git repository to the working directory. Git sends the content of the Git blob as STDIN, and expects the content to write to the working directory as STDOUT.

The .gitattributes file controls when the filters run. Here's a sample file that runs all mp3 and zip files through Git LFS:

$ cat .gitattributes
*.mp3 filter=lfs -text
*.zip filter=lfs -text

Use the git lfs track command to view and add to .gitattributes.

marcialwushu commented 3 years ago


marcialwushu commented 3 years ago
