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Black Mirror Timeline #27

Open marcialwushu opened 6 years ago

marcialwushu commented 6 years ago

I believe this is the most comprehensive timeline for BLACK MIRROR on the internet. If you have any suggestions or details that I've missed then please let me know! (Edited to be more visually friendly)

Chronological Episode Order:

In the summer, after the military has spent the last two years successfully implementing MASS, a unit led by Medina including Koinchange, known as Stripe, and Raiman, known as Hunter go on a mission in a village, whose food supply ransacked and tainted by the roaches. Following a lead, they head to an aging manor and interrogate its owner, Parn Heidekker, who is suspected of harbouring roaches. The unit comes across three roaches while Parn attacks Medina. Stripe kills two roaches but one escapes, he is briefly flashed by a device. Stripe continues having strange dreams. During training, Stripe’s MASS interface glitches out so he brings it up to a doctor and the psychologist, Arquette. The soldiers arrive at a compound for another hunt the next day, and another glitch re-enables Stripe’s sense of smell. A roach sniper kills Medina, but Stripe and Raiman continue the chase. Raiman shoots what Stripe sees as a woman but she saw as a roach, and Stripe knocks her out. Having been shot in the melee with Raiman, Stripe escapes with Caterina, a woman roach, and her child and later awakens in an underground dwelling. Caterina explains to Striple that the MASS implant has altered his vision to be able to kill people who are believed to be genetically inferior. Raiman tracks them down, kills the two roaches and knocks Stripe unconscious to return him to headquarters for confinement. Arquette explains to Stripe that the green light device was an optical transmitter which infects implants with a virus, but the implants themselves are used to dehumanize the enemy, and he’s been working for a global eugenics program to “purify the bloodline” of humanity. Arquette shows Stripe a video of him knowingly consenting to losing his memory and sense during the MASS procedure. Stripe attempts to attack Arquette but is blinded by the implant and is then shown the real footage of his mission, killing people. Stripe agrees to have his recent memory erased and is then discharged to return home, a dilapidated house that he sees as perfect through the implant. 2015

Sometime around September Cooper leaves to travel the world, and keeps ignoring his mother’s calls feeling unable to connect to her following his father developing early onset Alzheimer’s and dying. In October while visiting London, Cooper meets Sonja be through a dating app and they hook up. Cooper finds out his credit cards have been maxed out, so he has to use an app called Oddjobs to get money. Cooper stays with Sonja and finds an opportunity with SaitoGemu, a video game company, she suggests getting a secret picture while inside to sell. Cooper goes to the company and meets Katie, an employee that administers the test. Katie tells Cooper to turn off his phone before entering and he does, but she has to leave and he turns it back on to take a picture. Katie returns to begin the test and hooks Cooper up to the machine, but during the installation process Cooper’s mother calls and interrupts the signal, during the brief 0.04 seconds he experiences an incredibly scary and realistic virtual reality encounter, but the disturbance accidentally kills him. Shou enters the room and Katie explains the situation then logs the information. 2016

Grains are introduced, using video recording version of the MASS program, in the United Kingdom for those that can afford them. R-Eye technology, using a consumer version of the MASS program, is introduced in the USA as a social ranking system on cell phones in certain parts of the country. Martha and Ash move to a remote house in the countryside, the next day he is killed returning the rental van. At Ash’s funeral, Martha’s friend Sarah tells her about a new online service that lets people stay in touch with the deceased by using all their past online communication and social media profiles, but she rejects the idea, however is sent an email from the service anyway. Martha becomes overwhelmed by grief and soon discovers she is pregnant, prompting her to respond to the virtual Ash’s email. Martha begins a correspondence with Ash and begins to believe it’s authentic. Martha accidentally damages her phone and learns of the next stage of the service, an experimental phase where a body made of synthetic flesh can have the program uploaded to it, like an android, and agrees to the terms. The body takes on Ash’s physical characteristics but Martha is initially uncomfortable, though satisfied sexually. Martha eventually becomes frustrated with the situation and orders Ash to jump off a cliff, but the clone begs for its life and she doesn’t go through with it. 2017

Martha and Ash’s daughter is born. Kelly’s son dies at 39. Late in the year, Ffion and Jonas begin having an affair, six months later they conceive a child, but she had already started dating Liam Foxwell around this time. 2018

Ffion and Liam get married. Ffion and Jonas’ child is born, but she allows Liam to believe that the little girl, Jodie, is his. Lacie Pound lives with her brother Ryan but is eager to continue the social ladder climb, currently sitting at a 4.2 rating. Michael is kicked out of a zoo again. Lacie learns that in order to be able to afford living in an exclusive estate she must have a 4.5 rating or above and tries to improve herself. Lacie’s old friend Naomi, a 4.8 rating, randomly contacts her and asks if she can be her Maid of Honour at the wedding on a private island called Honeysuckle, near Point Mary. En route to the airport, Lacie’s rating keeps taking hits, resulting in not being able to get on her flight and having to rent an older rental car that she doesn’t have a proper converter to charge. Lacie attempts to hitchhike and is picked up by an older woman in a truck, Susan, who reveals she was once obsessed with ratings until her husband was passed over for vital cancer treatment because he was a 4.3 and not 4.4 rating. Naomi calls Lacie and informs her that she’s no longer welcome at the wedding due to her 2.6 rating. Lacie gets drunk and decides to go to the wedding anyway, breaking into the island and gatecrashing the reception to perform her speech. Lacie is ranked down by the guests and is eventually taken away after thoroughly embarrassing herself. In jail, the R-Eye technology is removed from Lacie but she finds herself happily exchanging insults with another prisoner without fear of being ranked down. 2019

Liam attends a work appraisal meeting. Liam arrives at a dinner party, hosted by Jonas, with Ffion and their friends. Liam becomes suspicious of Ffion’s interactions with Jonas at dinner. One woman says she was attacked and had her grain violently removed but her vision remained in-tact, now she prefers living grain free. At home, Ffion admits to Liam that she had a previous relationship with Jonas which makes him paranoid and they argue. Liam is up all night studying his memories, Ffion wakes up and is questioned by him again. Liam drunkenly drives to Jonas’ house to confront and force him to delete all the footage from his memory involving her. Liam drives away but crashes into a tree and passes out. After waking up, he walks home to talk with Ffion about her having sex with Jonas 18 months ago and she eventually admits that the child isn’t his. Ffion and Jodie leave Liam. A short time later, Liam cuts out the grain from behind his ear because he’s miserable. 2020

Z-Eye technology, using a consumer version of the MASS program, is introduced in the UK as an asset for real and online activities, comes with “blocking” augmented reality technology. Joe Potter and Beth Grey go on a karaoke date, he drinks and she sings “Anyone Who Knows What Love Is” a la Abi from Hot Shot. Joe and Beth have dinner with Tim and Gita. Joe finds a positive pregnancy test and realizes Beth is pregnant, but she is getting an abortion. Joe and Beth argue about the pregnancy and her drinking at dinner. Beth blocks Joe with her Z-Eye. Joe attempts to apologize but Tim explains she’s left her job. Around September, Joe discovers Beth is still pregnant and tries to confront her, but she has him arrested and given a restraining order, plus he’s legally blocked from seeing her or the child and any photos they appear in. Joe writes many apology letters to Beth, but she never replies. Joe sees Beth with an infant child at her father’s cottage. 2024

Joe leaves a bunny present for his daughter around her fourth Christmas. 2025

During the summer Greta purchases a Cookie, a digital copy of her consciousness to help control a smart house for wealthy people. Matt Trent helps Greta’s Cookie adjust to her new life. In the late fall, while flipping through channels Joe watches a Hot Shots special on Selma (possibly Sonja or her cookie) and Toy Soldiers, flips past Tonight For One Week Only and observes on the ticker that “Liam Monroe claims Twitter account hacked” (still involved politically) followed by “Victoria Skillane appeal bid rejected” (10 years later) then learns on the news that Beth died in a train accident and the block has been lifted. Near Christmas, Joe gets a present for his daughter. Matt, using skills he developed as a dating coach teaches seduction techniques to single men, attempts to help Harry gatecrash an office Christmas party, communicating to him through the Z-Eye. On the call, they are joined by other men, Pie-Ape and I_Am_Waldo plus more, for additional assistance. Matt helps Harry connect with Jennifer using information gathered from social media. Jennifer observes Harry apparently talking to himself, though he is actually talking to Matt and the others. Jennifer seduces Harry into coming with her, but she turns out to have schizophrenia and has poisoned Harry, thinking he has the same affliction. She drinks the same and they die together. Matt’s wife learns what he has been doing, they fight and she blocks him. Matt is arrested for illegal seduction coaching and second hand involvement in Harry’s death. Joe takes his present to his daughter, but finds out she is Tim's daughter instead, he winds up arguing with and killing the little girl's Grandfather, which scares her out into the cold to eventually die. Joe takes to the streets over his guilt, but is taken in by the cops shortly, though he won't talk. Matt bargains with the officials to assist in obtaining a confession from Joe in exchange for his release. Matt enters the simulation with Joe and sets it for what they will perceive as 5 years. Matt exits the simulation, having succeeded in obtaining the confession from Matt’s cookie in about 70 minutes. Joe is charged with the deaths of two people. Matt is freed, but is blocked by everyone from here on out. An officer sets Joe’s cookie to a level that will drive it insane. 2026

Martha is still at the country house, the Ash clone in the attic, and she allows her daughter to see him on weekends. Martha’s daughter convinces her to approve a hangout with Ash so he can have some birthday cake, even though she knows he doesn’t need to eat. Martha joins them upstairs after having a brief emotional moment. ~2027

Created sometime after 2017, using various programming elements from the MASS system plus Eye and Cookie technology, San Junipero is a virtual reality system that allows people to uploaded their consciousness before dying to a simulated eternity, but people near death can also visit for a trial period lasting five hours a week. Kelly’s husband dies and refuses to live in San Junipero. Yorkie visits San Junipero for the first time and meets Kelly, who propositions her for sex but Yorkie says she’s engaged. One week later Yorkie finds Kelly flirting with a different man, but wind up at her bungalow where Yorkie loses her virginity and at midnight they both disappear. One week later Yorkie searches for Kelly but can’t find her, she’s told by Wes that Kelly may be in the 90’s or 00’s. Yorkie eventually finds Kelly in 2002 and they have an argument. *Kelly reveals to Yorkie that she’s dying and is just there to have fun, but after they sleep together again agree to meet in the real world. Kelly physically goes to visit Yorkie to discover she’s comatose and that her family refuses to sign the papers allowing her to permanently enter San Junipero. Greg, a nurse, reveals to Kelly that he wants to marry Yorkie so that she can legally live in the virtual reality system after death. Kelly persuades Greg to let her enter the system so she can marry Yorkie herself, which allows her to approve the euthanasia in the real world. Yorkie dies and enters San Junipero, but afterward argues with Kelly about their future. Kelly doesn’t want to live in San Junipero out of respect for her husband, who declined to live there because their son died and didn’t have an opportunity to enter. Kelly purposely crashes her car, Yorkie appears and tries to help but Kelly’s time expires. In the real world Kelly’s condition worsens and she decides to be euthanized, but will live in San Junipero with Yorkie and they live happily ever after. Robots maintain the consciousnesses of the San Junipero residences in a giant server room.

marcialwushu commented 6 years ago
