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Closed marcialwushu closed 6 years ago

marcialwushu commented 6 years ago



It’s been just over one month since we first introduced Essentia at Devcon3, that seems like an eternity between new forks, market growth, and media coverage. But what is the most exciting is for us to finally introduce Essentia to the public today! Here we go!

After extensive researches and starting as an underground project in Amsterdam a long time ago, Essentia is now the framework to create, store, access and operate your decentralized digital life.

From one seed. In short, Essentia is a modular decentralized framework that empowers the user with the full ownership and control over his identities, data, wallets, and assets, dApps and to operate in the decentralized web easily, anywhere and from any device.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the features of Essentia.


If you are like us then you are sick of having to re-enter passwords, save backups and change devices to access your decentralized and centralized accounts. Having one seed grants you instant access to all of your personal and business-critical logins.


This is a big one: we let you take control of your identities with custom profile settings. You decide what details to share and whether you would prefer to be anonymous, pseudo-anonymous or KYC compliant within your identities.

Multiple wallets and multi-currency

In one place? Surely not. Yup, no need to bounce between multiple wallets. We have integrated with your favorite currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 Tokens, IOTA, Litecoin, and Ripple. You can also monitor cold storage assets that are not present in our framework, accessible only by you, all through your seed.


We have integrated with powerful decentralized storage systems as Swarm, Ipfs, Storj, giving you access to the new backbone of digital storage. Where data is encrypted, persistent and censorship-resistant.


We integrate and partnered with Ether Delta and Flyp.Me to unlock your decentralized prosperity. Multi-chain minimizes downtime and secures your assets across secure, decentralized networks.

Any platform. Any device.

Essentia works on any platform. You can access it via browser, desktop app, mobile app, or command line interface


The team report that they’ve already successfully integrated into Essentia: Ethereum, Bitcoin, and IOTA, as well as Status.im, EtherDelta, IPFS, Swarm, Storj, Flyp.me, Aragon and announced to integrate several others projects in the coming weeks.


It’s exciting times ahead for all of us which is why we are so happy to introduce Essentia! We want everyone to make use of the value of storing, accessing and operating your decentralized world from one seed, on any platform, at any time.

This is only the beginning of a new adventure, and of a series of article to deepen into Essentia and how it can be useful in users lives.

See you with the next articles and updates! All Your Data. Truly Yours. In Just One Seed.

Essentia.one has been an underground project in Amsterdam created by two early Bitcoin adopter Matteo Gianpietro Zago and Mirco Mongiardino.

Token sales details will be announced soon in Essentia.one

Join the Telegram chat for stay updated:


Connect or Contribute

Twitter: https:// twitter.com/Essentia_One

Website: https://essentia.one/

Whitepaper: https://essentia.one/whitepaper.pdf

What do you think of Essentia’s platform? Do you like the idea of being able to manage all of your digital assets and identification data from one place? Let us know in the comments below.

Images courtesy of Essentia

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