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Libsodium error. Fixed. #103

Closed StavrosHacker closed 7 years ago

StavrosHacker commented 7 years ago

Hello. I get this error once someone connects. A fix would be awesome. .net framework is installed.

When i test it on my pc it works fine. When i test it on windows vps, that pops-up.

[17/03/06 - 04:22:19.654][error] - Unable to process accept! System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Sodium.SodiumCore' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'libsodium.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at DynamicDllInvokeType.sodium_init() at Sodium.SodiumCore.Init() at Sodium.SodiumCore..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Sodium.SodiumCore.GetRandomBytes(Int32 count) at Sodium.PublicKeyBox.GenerateNonce() at CoCSharp.Network.Cryptography.Crypto8.GenerateNonce() in C:\Users\CPS\Desktop\CRSharp-cr-sharp-master\src\CoCSharp\Network\Cryptography\Crypto8.cs:line 342 at CoCSharp.Logic.Session..ctor() in C:\Users\CPS\Desktop\CRSharp-cr-sharp-master\src\CoCSharp\Logic\Session.cs:line 17 at CoCSharp.Server.RemoteSession..ctor(IServer server) in C:\Users\CPS\Desktop\CRSharp-cr-sharp-master\src\CoCSharp.Server\RemoteSession.cs:line 10 at CoCSharp.Server.Client..ctor(Server server, Socket socket) in C:\Users\CPS\Desktop\CRSharp-cr-sharp-master\src\CoCSharp.Server\Client.cs:line 35 at CoCSharp.Server.Server.ProcessAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgs args) in C:\Users\CPS\Desktop\CRSharp-cr-sharp-master\src\CoCSharp.Server\Server.Listening.cs:line 86

JJBreaker commented 7 years ago

Add the libsodium.dll dll in (packages \ libsodium-net.0.9.0 \ output) and Sodium.dll the project references

StavrosHacker commented 7 years ago

Already added but i replaced. Still not fixed.

StavrosHacker commented 7 years ago

It's fixed. I installed vs 2015 on vps and it worked (:

FICTURE7 commented 7 years ago

I don't recommend you to use the current branch, because its broken.

StavrosHacker commented 7 years ago

im not using current one, I'm using the one with the commit you made on before you broke stuff.