Clash of Clans library, proxy and server written in .NET [Unmaintained]
MIT License
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Broken networking #9

Closed FICTURE7 closed 9 years ago

FICTURE7 commented 9 years ago

Networking stuff is currently broken in branch messy-stuff.

a1e3cdc47c9eae132bd41ae1f5d0510d commented 9 years ago

What do you mean is broken exactly? encryption/receiving/sending?

FICTURE7 commented 9 years ago

Well, am trying to add more flexibility to NetworkManager so we can run CoCSharp.Proxy and CoCSharp.Server without removing the logging and dumping features. And I am also implementing asynchronous networking with SocketAsyncEventArgs.

So what is currently broken is that we are not forwarding the packets to the server or to the client. We are only reading them.

Current traffic: Server -> Proxy -x Client Serevr x- Proxy <- Client

a1e3cdc47c9eae132bd41ae1f5d0510d commented 9 years ago

whats the problem with the sending? dont you know from where the packet comes? this would be easy to fix. parse the object sender in the operation completed function to a socket and look at the remoteendpoint as ipendpoint.

FICTURE7 commented 9 years ago

Its not really a big problem, I know everything to forward the packets but am just taking my time to find the best solution to run both the proxy and the future server or even a client. For now am just adding documentation and improving the CSV implementation. I am also considering to implement SC files.