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Create simulated HIRS-HIRS matchups to aid harmonisation #40

Open gerritholl opened 7 years ago

gerritholl commented 7 years ago

Create simulated HIRS-HIRS matchups to aid in harmonisation. This allows NPL to estimate uncertainties in their estimated fundamental calibration parameters.

gerritholl commented 7 years ago

Invert measurement equation. See also Arta/Jons presentation @ 9 February 2017 meeting, "Specification - preparing data for harmonisation".

gerritholl commented 7 years ago

Note that these matchups are only useful for the harmonisation after the effects tables are ready and implemented along with the measurement equation and all uncertainties, so there is no point on working on this before that is done anyway.

gerritholl commented 7 years ago

This can also test the consequences of having polar-only SNOs versus global SNOs. Is the answer of the harmonisation the same?

gerritholl commented 6 years ago

This is not going to happen within the timeframe of the FIDUCEO project.