FIRST-Tech-Challenge / FtcRobotController

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Programs don't appear on connected robot controller after successful build #194

Open tshepherd2016 opened 3 years ago

tshepherd2016 commented 3 years ago

I can connect my robot controller phone to the web browser for onbot jave on chrome and build my program, but when I open the app on the robot controller and click the opmodes (either teleop or auto) nothing at all is listed. In the web browser, all of our old programs show up when I connect and my new program shows on the list and builds. What am I doing wrong? We have never had this problem before.

alan412 commented 3 years ago

Did you remember the annotations? @TeleOp or @Autonomous. - That is the number one mistake my team members make.


On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 8:54 PM tshepherd2016 @.***> wrote:

I can connect my robot controller phone to the web browser for onbot jave on chrome and build my program, but when I open the app on the robot controller and click the opmodes (either teleop or auto) nothing at all is listed. In the web browser, all of our old programs show up when I connect and my new program shows on the list and builds. What am I doing wrong? We have never had this problem before.

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tshepherd2016 commented 3 years ago

@Teleop is in there

Something else must be wrong because it tries to build a project file that has been deleted and is not even on the list any longer.

It also says that there is an error that it cannot find symbol : class Hardware Pushbot when I try to build the sample Pushbot Teleop POV program.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 7, 2021, at 8:21 PM, Alan Smith @.***> wrote:

Did you remember the annotations? @TeleOp or @Autonomous. - That is the number one mistake my team members make.


On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 8:54 PM tshepherd2016 @.***> wrote:

I can connect my robot controller phone to the web browser for onbot jave on chrome and build my program, but when I open the app on the robot controller and click the opmodes (either teleop or auto) nothing at all is listed. In the web browser, all of our old programs show up when I connect and my new program shows on the list and builds. What am I doing wrong? We have never had this problem before.

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alan412 commented 3 years ago

If you share your code, I'll take a look.


On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 8:34 AM tshepherd2016 @.***> wrote:

@Teleop is in there

Something else must be wrong because it tries to build a project file that has been deleted and is not even on the list any longer.

It also says that there is an error that it cannot find symbol : class Hardware Pushbot when I try to build the sample Pushbot Teleop POV program.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 7, 2021, at 8:21 PM, Alan Smith @.***> wrote:

Did you remember the annotations? @TeleOp or @Autonomous. - That is the number one mistake my team members make.


On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 8:54 PM tshepherd2016 @.***> wrote:

I can connect my robot controller phone to the web browser for onbot jave on chrome and build my program, but when I open the app on the robot controller and click the opmodes (either teleop or auto) nothing at all is listed. In the web browser, all of our old programs show up when I connect and my new program shows on the list and builds. What am I doing wrong? We have never had this problem before.

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tshepherd2016 commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much! I’m really thinking it may be an issue with the phone…

This is what my screen looks like. As you can see, there is no TestDrive program listed, but it keep showing up in my build window.

The Drive program we are trying to move to the phone is attached as a text file.

Tonya Shepherd

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Alan @.> Sent: Friday, October 8, 2021 7:36 AM To: @.> Cc: Tonya @.>; @.> Subject: Re: [FIRST-Tech-Challenge/FtcRobotController] Programs don't appear on connected robot controller after successful build (#194)

If you share your code, I'll take a look.


On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 8:34 AM tshepherd2016 @.***> wrote:

@Teleop is in there

Something else must be wrong because it tries to build a project file that has been deleted and is not even on the list any longer.

It also says that there is an error that it cannot find symbol : class Hardware Pushbot when I try to build the sample Pushbot Teleop POV program.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 7, 2021, at 8:21 PM, Alan Smith @.***> wrote:

Did you remember the annotations? @TeleOp or @Autonomous. - That is the number one mistake my team members make.


On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 8:54 PM tshepherd2016 @.***> wrote:

I can connect my robot controller phone to the web browser for onbot jave on chrome and build my program, but when I open the app on the robot controller and click the opmodes (either teleop or auto) nothing at all is listed. In the web browser, all of our old programs show up when I connect and my new program shows on the list and builds. What am I doing wrong? We have never had this problem before.

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or Android <>.

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package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.Servo; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.CRServo; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DigitalChannel;

/* Copyright (c) 2017 FIRST. All rights reserved.



@TeleOp(name="Drive", group="Pushbot")

public class Drive extends OpMode{

/* Declare OpMode members. */

private DcMotor throwingWheel1;
//private DcMotor throwingWheel2;
//private CRServo touchServo;
//private CRServo ringMove1;
//private CRServo ringMove2;
//private CRServo ringMove3;
//private DcMotor leftb;
private DcMotor leftf;
private DcMotor rightb;

// private DcMotor rightf; private DcMotor pickUpWheel; //private DigitalChannel digitalTouch;

 * Code to run ONCE when the driver hits INIT
public void init() {
    /* Initialize the hardware variables.
     * The init() method of the hardware class does all the work here
    //digitalTouch = hardwareMap.get(DigitalChannel.class, "sensor_digital"); 
    leftf  = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, "leftf");
    //leftb  = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, "leftb");
   // rightf = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, "rightf");
    rightb = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, "rightb");
    pickUpWheel = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, "pickUpWheel");
    throwingWheel1 = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, "throwingWheel1");
    //throwingWheel2 = hardwareMap.get(DcMotor.class, "throwingWheel2");
    //touchServo         = hardwareMap.get(CRServo.class, "touchServo" );
    //ringMove1         = hardwareMap.get(CRServo.class, "ringMove1" );
    //ringMove2         = hardwareMap.get(CRServo.class, "ringMove2" );
    //ringMove3         = hardwareMap.get(CRServo.class, "ringMove3" );

 * Code to run REPEATEDLY after the driver hits INIT, but before they hit PLAY
public void init_loop() {

 * Code to run ONCE when the driver hits PLAY
public void start() {

 * Code to run REPEATEDLY after the driver hits PLAY but before they hit STOP
public void loop() {
    double left;
    double right;
    double left2;
    double right2; 

    // Run wheels in tank mode (note: The joystick goes negative when pushed forwards, so negate it)
    left = -gamepad1.right_stick_y;
    right = -gamepad1.left_stick_y;
    left2 = -gamepad2.left_stick_y;
    right2 = -gamepad2.right_stick_y;

    if (gamepad2.a){
    } else {
    if (gamepad2.b){
    } else {
     if (gamepad2.x){
    } else {
    //if (gamepad2.right_stick_y){          *Do not use the right stick for throwing wheel
       // throwingWheel1.setPower(1); 
   // } else {
   // }

    //if (gamepad2.x){
      //  touchServo.setPower(.5); 
    //} else {
      // touchServo.setPower(0);  

    //if (gamepad2.y){
      //  touchServo.setPower(-.5); 
    //} else {
      // touchServo.setPower(0); 

     // send the info back to driver station using telemetry function.
        // if the digital channel returns true it's HIGH and the button is unpressed.
       // if (digitalTouch.getState() == true) {
           // telemetry.addData("Digital Touch", "Is Not Pressed");
        //} else {
           // telemetry.addData("Digital Touch", "Is Pressed");
       // }


    //if (gamepad2.right_bumper){
      //  ringMove1.setPower(0.7);
    //} else {
      //  ringMove1.setPower(0);
       // ringMove3.setPower(0);
   // }

    //if (gamepad2.left_bumper){
      //  ringMove1.setPower(-0.5);
     //} else {
       // ringMove1.setPower(0);
       // ringMove3.setPower(0);


    // Send telemetry message to signify robot running.
    telemetry.addData("left",  "%.2f", left);
    telemetry.addData("right", "%.2f", right);

alan412 commented 3 years ago

@tshepherd2016 - I don't see any problems with the code that would keep it from showing up on a robot controller. I don't have a setup with me here right now, but I built it in our project in Android Studio and didn't have any issues with it building and the two most common problems I see (problems with the annotation and forgetting to put "public" in front of the class) are not there.

tshepherd2016 commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I’m not crazy. There has to be something wrong with the phone or the app. I updated the apps on the phones last week and I should never have updated. Nothng ever works after I update it.

Thanks for looking at the code. I thought it should work since we used it last year and only changed the name of the program.

Tonya Shepherd

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Alan @.> Sent: Friday, October 8, 2021 11:22 AM To: @.> Cc: Tonya @.>; @.> Subject: Re: [FIRST-Tech-Challenge/FtcRobotController] Programs don't appear on connected robot controller after successful build (#194)

@tshepherd2016 - I don't see any problems with the code that would keep it from showing up on a robot controller. I don't have a setup with me here right now, but I built it in our project in Android Studio and didn't have any issues with it building and the two most common problems I see (problems with the annotation and forgetting to put "public" in front of the class) are not there.

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alan412 commented 3 years ago

I guess I didn't mention: Make sure the filename and the classname match. Java does not like it when they don't. (the matching is case sensitive - ie, test != Test)

On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 12:27 PM tshepherd2016 @.***> wrote:

Ok, so I’m not crazy. There has to be something wrong with the phone or the app. I updated the apps on the phones last week and I should never have updated. Nothng ever works after I update it.

Thanks for looking at the code. I thought it should work since we used it last year and only changed the name of the program.

Tonya Shepherd

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Alan @.> Sent: Friday, October 8, 2021 11:22 AM To: @.> Cc: Tonya @.>; @.> Subject: Re: [FIRST-Tech-Challenge/FtcRobotController] Programs don't appear on connected robot controller after successful build (#194)

@tshepherd2016 - I don't see any problems with the code that would keep it from showing up on a robot controller. I don't have a setup with me here right now, but I built it in our project in Android Studio and didn't have any issues with it building and the two most common problems I see (problems with the annotation and forgetting to put "public" in front of the class) are not there.

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AlecHub commented 3 years ago

From the Driver Station App:

  1. Go to "Program & Manage" then "OnBotJava".
  2. Click on your OpMode and verify that it loads.
  3. Go to "Settings" then scroll down and select "Advanced Settings" then click the "Verify" button next to "Verify OnBotJava Setup".
  4. Go back then select your OpMode then click the wrench icon to build it.