FIRST-Tech-Challenge / SkyStone

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Vuforia cannot initialize after adding UVC camera #186

Closed KokeCacao closed 4 years ago

KokeCacao commented 4 years ago

Brief Error: Vuforia cannot initialize after implemented UVC camera in my code Error on the phone: "Error: User code thew an uncaught exception: VuforiaException - Failed to initialize Vuforia."


I looked everywhere online but did not find a similar problem.

Error Log that I think relevent (Did I output it wrong? I cannot find a single keyword vuforia)

--------- beginning of main
01-18 21:51:25.007 20585 20585 V AppUtil : initializing: getExternalStorageDirectory()=/storage/emulated/0
01-18 21:51:25.014 20585 20608 V RobotCore: saving logcat to /storage/emulated/0/robotControllerLog.txt
01-18 21:51:25.014 20585 20608 V RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -f /storage/emulated/0/robotControllerLog.txt -r4096 -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W  *:V
01-18 21:51:25.017 20585 20585 V ServiceStarter: attempting to start service MediaTransferProtocolMonitorService
01-18 21:51:25.032 20585 20585 V ServiceStarter: started service MediaTransferProtocolMonitorService
01-18 21:51:25.033 20585 20585 V ServiceStarter: attempting to start service OnBotJavaService
01-18 21:51:25.035 20585 20585 V ServiceStarter: started service OnBotJavaService
01-18 21:51:25.044 20585 20585 V AppUtil : rootActivity=FtcRobotControllerActivity
01-18 21:51:25.044 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onCreate()
01-18 21:51:25.047 20585 20585 V RCActivity: writing pref name=pref_app_theme value=red
01-18 21:51:25.048 20585 20585 V RCActivity: rootActivity is of class FtcRobotControllerActivity
01-18 21:51:25.077 20585 20613 V CallbackLooper: thread=1083
01-18 21:51:25.093 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent: doStart()...
01-18 21:51:25.095 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiP2pEnabled=true
01-18 21:51:25.111 20585 20613 D NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: connection changed: networkInfo.state=CONNECTED
01-18 21:51:25.111 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: NetworkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
01-18 21:51:25.111 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pInfo: groupFormed: true isGroupOwner: false operatingChannel: 2422 groupOwnerAddress: / mccMode: false
01-18 21:51:25.112 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pGroup: network: DIRECT-E0-13813-RC, isGO: false, Operating Channel: 2422, GO: Device: 13813-RC, deviceAddress: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f, primary type: 10-0050F204-5, secondary type: null, wps: 392, grpcapab: 171, devcapab: 33, status: 4, wfdInfo: WFD enabled: falseWFD DeviceInfo: 0, WFD CtrlPort: 0, WFD MaxThroughput: 0, level: 60, interface: p2p0, networkId: 0, mGoOperFreq: 2422
01-18 21:51:25.113 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent: ...doStart()
01-18 21:51:25.114 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: this device changed: Device=13813-DS deviceAddress=24:da:9b:44:a6:85 primary type=10-0050F204-5 secondary type=null wps=0 grpcapab=0 devcapab=0 status=0 wfdInfo=WFD enabled=falseWFD DeviceInfo=0 WFD CtrlPort=0 WFD MaxThroughput=0 level=0
01-18 21:51:25.114 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: p2p discoverPeers()=false
01-18 21:51:25.114 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifi direct remembered groups cleared
01-18 21:51:25.114 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: doStart()...
01-18 21:51:25.115 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: ...doStart()
01-18 21:51:25.115 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: ----- all preferences -----
01-18 21:51:25.115 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_app_theme' value=red
01-18 21:51:25.116 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: doStart()...
01-18 21:51:25.116 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: ...doStart()
01-18 21:51:25.116 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiState=ENABLED
01-18 21:51:25.116 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent: found persistent group: DIRECT-w7-13813-DS
01-18 21:51:25.116 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent: found persistent group: DIRECT-E0-13813-RC
01-18 21:51:25.138 20585 20608 I RobotCore: Done running ps
01-18 21:51:25.173 20585 20585 I WebViewFactory: Loading version 63.0.3239.111 (code 323911100)
01-18 21:51:25.342 20585 20585 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 1 ms (timestamps 7721-7722)
01-18 21:51:25.395 20585 20585 I chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
01-18 21:51:25.395 20585 20585 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "63.0.3239.111", actual native library version number "63.0.3239.111"
01-18 21:51:25.461 20585 20585 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
01-18 21:51:25.555 20585 20585 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/09/15, 6cbbf7d, I3193f6e94a
01-18 21:51:25.853 20585 20585 V RCActivity: writing pref name=pref_rc_connected value=true
01-18 21:51:25.854 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_rc_connected, value=true)
01-18 21:51:25.858 20585 20585 V OnBotJava: OnBotJavaManager::static
01-18 21:51:26.186 20585 20585 V OnBotJava: getCurrentOutputJarDir() unavailable
01-18 21:51:26.187 20585 20585 V OnBotJava: getCurrentOutputJarDir() unavailable
01-18 21:51:31.083 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: initializeDeviceNameFromWifiDirect()...
01-18 21:51:31.083 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: waitForWifiDirectName() thread=1...
01-18 21:51:32.090 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: timeout in waitForWifiDirectName()
01-18 21:51:32.091 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: ...waitForWifiDirectName()
01-18 21:51:32.091 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: ...initializeDeviceNameFromWifiDirect()
01-18 21:51:32.091 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: initializeDeviceNameFromAndroidInternal()...
01-18 21:51:32.092 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: initializeDeviceNameFromAndroidInternal(): name=13813-DS
01-18 21:51:32.092 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: writing pref name=pref_device_name_tracking value=WIFIDIRECT
01-18 21:51:32.092 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_device_name_tracking, value=WIFIDIRECT)
01-18 21:51:32.092 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: writing pref name=pref_device_name value=13813-DS
01-18 21:51:32.093 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: writing pref name=pref_device_name_old value=13813-DS
01-18 21:51:32.093 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_device_name_old, value=13813-DS)
01-18 21:51:32.093 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: deviceName pref changed: now=13813-DS
01-18 21:51:32.093 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: setWifiDirectDeviceName(13813-DS)...
01-18 21:51:32.093 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: ...setWifiDirectDeviceName(13813-DS)
01-18 21:51:32.094 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_device_name, value=13813-DS)
01-18 21:51:32.094 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_device_name value=13813-DS
01-18 21:51:32.134 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_name: ...initializeDeviceNameFromAndroidInternal()
01-18 21:51:32.186 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_sound_on_off, value=true)
01-18 21:51:32.186 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_sound_on_off value=true
01-18 21:51:32.205 20585 20585 V UpdateUI: Network: inactive, disconnected
01-18 21:51:32.205 20585 20585 V RCActivity: writing pref name=pref_pairing_kind value=WIFIDIRECT
01-18 21:51:32.205 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_pairing_kind, value=WIFIDIRECT)
01-18 21:51:32.206 20585 20585 V ServiceStarter: attempting to start service FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService
01-18 21:51:32.210 20585 20585 V ServiceStarter: started service FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 V RobotCore: BuildConfig: versionCode=31 versionName=4.3 module=com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 V RobotCore: BuildConfig: versionCode=55 versionName=8.9 module=com.qualcomm.robotcore
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 V RobotCore: BuildConfig: versionCode=55 versionName=8.9 module=com.qualcomm.hardware
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 V RobotCore: BuildConfig: versionCode=55 versionName=8.9 module=com.qualcomm.ftccommon
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 V RobotCore: BuildConfig: versionCode=55 versionName=8.9
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 V RobotCore: BuildConfig: versionCode=55 versionName=8.9 module=org.firstinspires.inspection
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 I RCActivity: 410c serial number: ZX1D52RFHZ
01-18 21:51:32.216 20585 20585 I RobotCore: Android Device: maker=motorola model=XT1064 sdk=23
01-18 21:51:32.218 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onStart()
01-18 21:51:32.218 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onResume()
01-18 21:51:32.231 20585 20761 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
01-18 21:51:32.290 20585 20585 V MTPMonitorService: onCreate()
01-18 21:51:32.290 20585 20585 V MTPMonitorService: onStartCommand() intent=Intent { cmp=com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller/org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.files.MediaTransferProtocolMonitorService } flags=0x0 startId=1
01-18 21:51:32.291 20585 20585 V MTPMonitor: observing: /storage/emulated/0
01-18 21:51:32.298 20585 20585 W FileObserverManager: upgrading mask: path=/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/blocks old=0x00000ffc new=0x00004ffc: might possibly miss event
01-18 21:51:32.305 20585 20585 W FileObserverManager: upgrading mask: path=/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/java/status old=0x00000ffc new=0x00004ffc: might possibly miss event
01-18 21:51:32.385 20585 20585 V OnBotJavaService: onCreate()
01-18 21:51:32.386 20585 20585 V OnBotJavaService: onStartCommand() intent=Intent { cmp=com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller/org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.opmode.OnBotJavaService } flags=0x0 startId=1
01-18 21:51:32.386 20585 20585 V OnBotJava: ctor()...
01-18 21:51:32.387 20585 20585 V OnBotJava: ...ctor()
01-18 21:51:32.413 20585 20585 V FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService: onCreate()
01-18 21:51:32.414 20585 20585 V FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService: onStartCommand() intent=Intent { cmp=com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller/org.firstinspires.ftc.ftccommon.internal.FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService } flags=0x0 startId=1
01-18 21:51:32.414 20585 20585 V FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService: shouldAutoLauchRobotController() result=false
01-18 21:51:32.414 20585 20585 V FTCService: onCreate()
01-18 21:51:32.414 20585 20585 V FTCService: onBind()
01-18 21:51:32.415 20585 20585 V FTCService: writing pref name=pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works value=true
01-18 21:51:32.417 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works, value=true)
01-18 21:51:32.417 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works value=true
01-18 21:51:32.417 20585 20585 V FTCService: writing pref name=pref_has_independent_phone_battery value=true
01-18 21:51:32.417 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_has_independent_phone_battery, value=true)
01-18 21:51:32.417 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_independent_phone_battery value=true
01-18 21:51:32.418 20585 20585 V FTCService: writing pref name=pref_has_speaker value=true
01-18 21:51:32.418 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_has_speaker, value=true)
01-18 21:51:32.418 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_speaker value=true
01-18 21:51:32.423 20585 20585 V WebServer: creating NanoHTTPD(8080)
01-18 21:51:32.442 20585 20585 V RobotCore: Getting network assistant of type: WIFIDIRECT
01-18 21:51:32.445 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: There are 1 Wifi Direct Assistant Clients (+)
01-18 21:51:32.445 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: Enabling Wifi Direct Assistant
01-18 21:51:32.448 20585 20585 V WifiDirectInviteMonitor: startMonitoring()
01-18 21:51:32.450 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiP2pEnabled=true
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 D NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: connection changed: networkInfo.state=CONNECTED
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: NetworkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pInfo: groupFormed: true isGroupOwner: false operatingChannel: 2422 groupOwnerAddress: / mccMode: false
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pGroup: network: DIRECT-E0-13813-RC, isGO: false, Operating Channel: 2422, GO: Device: 13813-RC, deviceAddress: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f, primary type: 10-0050F204-5, secondary type: null, wps: 392, grpcapab: 171, devcapab: 33, status: 4, wfdInfo: WFD enabled: falseWFD DeviceInfo: 0, WFD CtrlPort: 0, WFD MaxThroughput: 0, level: 60, interface: p2p0, networkId: 0, mGoOperFreq: 2422
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: this device changed: Device=13813-DS deviceAddress=24:da:9b:44:a6:85 primary type=10-0050F204-5 secondary type=null wps=0 grpcapab=0 devcapab=0 status=0 wfdInfo=WFD enabled=falseWFD DeviceInfo=0 WFD CtrlPort=0 WFD MaxThroughput=0 level=0
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: remembering wifiDirectName: 13813-DS...
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: ...remembering wifiDirectName
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: p2p discoverPeers()=false
01-18 21:51:32.451 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifi direct remembered groups cleared
01-18 21:51:32.452 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiState=ENABLED
01-18 21:51:32.507 20585 20761 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
01-18 21:51:32.539 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: state - enabled: true
01-18 21:51:32.539 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: connection changed: connectStatus=NOT_CONNECTED networkInfo.state=CONNECTED
01-18 21:51:32.539 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: writing pref name=pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto value=13813-RC
01-18 21:51:32.539 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto, value=13813-RC)
01-18 21:51:32.541 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: this device changed
01-18 21:51:32.542 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: device information: 13813-DS 24:da:9b:44:a6:85
01-18 21:51:32.542 20585 20585 V FTCService: RCActivity.controllerService=bound
01-18 21:51:32.543 20585 20585 V UpdateUI: Network: unknown, disconnected
01-18 21:51:32.544 20585 20585 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped
01-18 21:51:32.559 20585 20769 V RobotCore: thread: '' starting...
01-18 21:51:32.559 20585 20769 V FTCService: Processing robot setup
01-18 21:51:32.560 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, scanning for USB devices
01-18 21:51:32.566 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: cannot create group, does group already exist?
01-18 21:51:32.731 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: group owners address: /
01-18 21:51:32.731 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: group formed, this device is a client
01-18 21:51:32.731 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTED_AS_PEER
01-18 21:51:32.731 20585 20585 E FTCService: Wifi Direct - connected as peer, was expecting Group Owner
01-18 21:51:32.794 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information available
01-18 21:51:32.795 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupOwnerName = 13813-RC
01-18 21:51:32.795 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupOwnerMacAddress = 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f
01-18 21:51:32.795 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupInterface = p2p0
01-18 21:51:32.795 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupNetworkName = DIRECT-E0-13813-RC
01-18 21:51:32.795 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE
01-18 21:51:32.795 20585 20585 I FTCService: Network Connection Passphrase: 
01-18 21:51:32.795 20585 20585 V WebServer: starting port=8080
01-18 21:51:32.806 20585 20774 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
01-18 21:51:32.811 20585 20585 V RobotCore: Getting network assistant of type: WIFIDIRECT
01-18 21:51:32.811 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: There are 2 Wifi Direct Assistant Clients (+)
01-18 21:51:32.812 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiP2pEnabled=true
01-18 21:51:32.813 20585 20585 V WebServer: started port=8080
01-18 21:51:32.813 20585 20585 V UpdateUI: Network: active, disconnected
01-18 21:51:32.813 20585 20613 D NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: connection changed: networkInfo.state=CONNECTED
01-18 21:51:32.813 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: NetworkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
01-18 21:51:32.813 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pInfo: groupFormed: true isGroupOwner: false operatingChannel: 2422 groupOwnerAddress: / mccMode: false
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pGroup: network: DIRECT-E0-13813-RC, isGO: false, Operating Channel: 2422, GO: Device: 13813-RC, deviceAddress: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f, primary type: 10-0050F204-5, secondary type: null, wps: 392, grpcapab: 171, devcapab: 33, status: 4, wfdInfo: WFD enabled: falseWFD DeviceInfo: 0, WFD CtrlPort: 0, WFD MaxThroughput: 0, level: 60, interface: p2p0, networkId: 0, mGoOperFreq: 2422
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: this device changed: Device=13813-DS deviceAddress=24:da:9b:44:a6:85 primary type=10-0050F204-5 secondary type=null wps=0 grpcapab=0 devcapab=0 status=0 wfdInfo=WFD enabled=falseWFD DeviceInfo=0 WFD CtrlPort=0 WFD MaxThroughput=0 level=0
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: remembering wifiDirectName: 13813-DS...
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onPause()
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: ...remembering wifiDirectName
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: p2p discoverPeers()=false
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifi direct remembered groups cleared
01-18 21:51:32.814 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiState=ENABLED
01-18 21:51:32.839 20585 20585 I ConfigWifiDirectActivity: Processing flag WIFI_DIRECT_FIX_CONFIG
01-18 21:51:32.842 20585 20784 I ConfigWifiDirectActivity: attempting to reconfigure Wifi Direct
01-18 21:51:32.842 20585 20784 I RobotCore: Toggling Wifi off
01-18 21:51:33.083 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: peers found: count=0
01-18 21:51:33.086 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: this device changed: Device=13813-DS deviceAddress=24:da:9b:44:a6:85 primary type=10-0050F204-5 secondary type=null wps=0 grpcapab=0 devcapab=0 status=3 wfdInfo=WFD enabled=falseWFD DeviceInfo=0 WFD CtrlPort=0 WFD MaxThroughput=0 level=0
01-18 21:51:33.086 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: remembering wifiDirectName: 13813-DS...
01-18 21:51:33.086 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: ...remembering wifiDirectName
01-18 21:51:33.086 20585 20613 D NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: connection changed: networkInfo.state=DISCONNECTED
01-18 21:51:33.086 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: NetworkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
01-18 21:51:33.086 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pInfo: groupFormed: false isGroupOwner: false operatingChannel: 0 groupOwnerAddress: null mccMode: false
01-18 21:51:33.086 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pGroup: network: null, isGO: false, Operating Channel: 0, GO: null, interface: null, networkId: 0, mGoOperFreq: 0
01-18 21:51:33.088 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifi direct remembered groups cleared
01-18 21:51:33.088 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiP2pEnabled=false
01-18 21:51:33.182 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiState=DISABLING
01-18 21:51:33.224 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: peers changed
01-18 21:51:33.225 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: this device changed
01-18 21:51:33.225 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: device information: 13813-DS 24:da:9b:44:a6:85
01-18 21:51:33.225 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: connection changed: connectStatus=CONNECTED networkInfo.state=DISCONNECTED
01-18 21:51:33.225 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto, value=null)
01-18 21:51:33.226 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: state - enabled: false
01-18 21:51:33.270 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: peers found: 0
01-18 21:51:33.270 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: PEERS_AVAILABLE
01-18 21:51:33.271 20585 20585 W RobotCore: Wifi Direct failure while trying to discover peers - reason: BUSY
01-18 21:51:33.271 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: ERROR
01-18 21:51:33.271 20585 20585 E FTCService: Network Connection Error: BUSY
01-18 21:51:33.271 20585 20585 V UpdateUI: Network: error, disconnected
01-18 21:51:33.544 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiState=DISABLED
01-18 21:51:33.571 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onStop()
01-18 21:51:34.849 20585 20784 I RobotCore: Toggling Wifi on
01-18 21:51:35.454 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiState=ENABLING
01-18 21:51:35.824 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiState=ENABLED
01-18 21:51:35.877 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifiP2pEnabled=true
01-18 21:51:35.878 20585 20613 D NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: connection changed: networkInfo.state=DISCONNECTED
01-18 21:51:35.878 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: NetworkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
01-18 21:51:35.878 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pInfo: groupFormed: false isGroupOwner: false operatingChannel: 0 groupOwnerAddress: null mccMode: false
01-18 21:51:35.878 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pGroup: network: null, isGO: false, Operating Channel: 0, GO: null, interface: null, networkId: 0, mGoOperFreq: 0
01-18 21:51:35.878 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: state - enabled: true
01-18 21:51:35.878 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: connection changed: connectStatus=NOT_CONNECTED networkInfo.state=DISCONNECTED
01-18 21:51:35.879 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: this device changed
01-18 21:51:35.879 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: device information: 13813-DS 24:da:9b:44:a6:85
01-18 21:51:35.880 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: this device changed: Device=13813-DS deviceAddress=24:da:9b:44:a6:85 primary type=10-0050F204-5 secondary type=null wps=0 grpcapab=0 devcapab=0 status=3 wfdInfo=WFD enabled=falseWFD DeviceInfo=0 WFD CtrlPort=0 WFD MaxThroughput=0 level=0
01-18 21:51:35.880 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: remembering wifiDirectName: 13813-DS...
01-18 21:51:35.880 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: ...remembering wifiDirectName
01-18 21:51:35.893 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: wifi direct remembered groups cleared
01-18 21:51:35.896 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: DISCOVERING_PEERS
01-18 21:51:35.896 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: discovering peers
01-18 21:51:35.897 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: p2p discoverPeers()=true
01-18 21:51:36.247 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: peers found: count=1
01-18 21:51:36.247 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast:     peer: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f 13813-RC
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: peers found: count=2
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast:     peer: 28:c1:3c:25:47:57 KD-60X690E
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast:     peer: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f 13813-RC
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: peers found: count=3
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast:     peer: 28:c1:3c:25:47:57 KD-60X690E
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast:     peer: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f 13813-RC
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: peers changed
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast:     peer: 2a:56:5a:a6:b7:1b DIRECT-1b-HP M402 LaserJet
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: peers changed
01-18 21:51:36.248 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: peers changed
01-18 21:51:36.249 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: peers found: 3
01-18 21:51:36.249 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 28:c1:3c:25:47:57 KD-60X690E
01-18 21:51:36.249 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f 13813-RC
01-18 21:51:36.249 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 2a:56:5a:a6:b7:1b DIRECT-1b-HP M402 LaserJet
01-18 21:51:36.249 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: PEERS_AVAILABLE
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: peers found: 3
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 28:c1:3c:25:47:57 KD-60X690E
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f 13813-RC
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 2a:56:5a:a6:b7:1b DIRECT-1b-HP M402 LaserJet
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: PEERS_AVAILABLE
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: peers found: 3
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 28:c1:3c:25:47:57 KD-60X690E
01-18 21:51:36.250 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 24:da:9b:44:aa:9f 13813-RC
01-18 21:51:36.251 20585 20585 V WifiDirect:     peer: 2a:56:5a:a6:b7:1b DIRECT-1b-HP M402 LaserJet
01-18 21:51:36.251 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: PEERS_AVAILABLE
01-18 21:51:36.852 20585 20784 I ConfigWifiDirectActivity: reconfigure Wifi Direct complete
01-18 21:51:36.856 20585 20761 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb8272c78
01-18 21:51:36.876 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onStart()
01-18 21:51:36.877 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, internal error
01-18 21:51:36.877 20585 20769 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating ''
01-18 21:51:36.887 20585 20585 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped
01-18 21:51:36.889 20585 20769 V RobotCore: thread: '' starting...
01-18 21:51:36.889 20585 20769 V FTCService: Processing robot setup
01-18 21:51:36.889 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, scanning for USB devices
01-18 21:51:36.889 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onResume()
01-18 21:51:36.977 20585 20761 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb824b6e8
01-18 21:51:38.577 20585 20761 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb87c0b88
01-18 21:51:39.079 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onPause()
01-18 21:51:39.100 20585 20585 V RCActivity: onStop()
01-18 21:51:39.101 20585 20585 V OnBotJavaService: onTrimMemory()
01-18 21:51:39.101 20585 20585 V MTPMonitorService: onTrimMemory()
01-18 21:51:39.213 20585 20761 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb857f200
01-18 21:51:41.903 20585 20769 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is NOT_STARTED
01-18 21:51:41.908 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, waiting for Wifi to enable
01-18 21:51:41.912 20585 20769 I RobotCore: state = 3
01-18 21:51:41.913 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, waiting for Wifi Direct to enable
01-18 21:51:41.915 20585 20769 V FTCService: Waiting for a connection to a wifi service
01-18 21:51:41.915 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, waiting for network to become active
01-18 21:51:42.425 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: GROUP_CREATED
01-18 21:51:42.425 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: created group
01-18 21:51:42.427 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: p2p discoverPeers()=false
01-18 21:51:42.590 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: this device changed: Device=13813-DS deviceAddress=24:da:9b:44:a6:85 primary type=10-0050F204-5 secondary type=null wps=0 grpcapab=0 devcapab=0 status=0 wfdInfo=WFD enabled=falseWFD DeviceInfo=0 WFD CtrlPort=0 WFD MaxThroughput=0 level=0
01-18 21:51:42.590 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: remembering wifiDirectName: 13813-DS...
01-18 21:51:42.590 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_name: ...remembering wifiDirectName
01-18 21:51:42.590 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: this device changed
01-18 21:51:42.591 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: device information: 13813-DS 24:da:9b:44:a6:85
01-18 21:51:42.594 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: broadcast: connection changed: connectStatus=NOT_CONNECTED networkInfo.state=CONNECTED
01-18 21:51:42.594 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: writing pref name=pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto value=
01-18 21:51:42.594 20585 20585 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto, value=)
01-18 21:51:42.594 20585 20613 D NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: connection changed: networkInfo.state=CONNECTED
01-18 21:51:42.594 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: NetworkInfo: [type: WIFI_P2P[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]
01-18 21:51:42.595 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pInfo: groupFormed: true isGroupOwner: true operatingChannel: 2447 groupOwnerAddress: / mccMode: false
01-18 21:51:42.595 20585 20613 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent_bcast: WifiP2pGroup: network: DIRECT-w7-13813-DS, isGO: true, Operating Channel: 2447, GO: Device: , deviceAddress: 24:da:9b:44:a6:85, primary type: null, secondary type: null, wps: 0, grpcapab: 0, devcapab: 0, status: 4, wfdInfo: WFD enabled: falseWFD DeviceInfo: 0, WFD CtrlPort: 0, WFD MaxThroughput: 0, level: 0, interface: p2p0, networkId: 1, mGoOperFreq: 2447
01-18 21:51:42.596 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: group owners address: /
01-18 21:51:42.596 20585 20585 D WifiDirect: group formed, this device is the group owner (GO)
01-18 21:51:42.596 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTED_AS_GROUP_OWNER
01-18 21:51:42.596 20585 20585 I FTCService: Wifi Direct - connected as group owner
01-18 21:51:42.607 20585 20585 V UpdateUI: Network: enabled, disconnected
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information available
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupOwnerName = 13813-DS
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupOwnerMacAddress = 24:da:9b:44:a6:85
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupInterface = p2p0
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: connection information - groupNetworkName = DIRECT-w7-13813-DS
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 I FTCService: Network Connection Passphrase: VI0aUWMr
01-18 21:51:42.608 20585 20585 V WebServer: stopping port=8080
01-18 21:51:42.610 20585 20585 V WifiDirect: There are 1 Wifi Direct Assistant Clients (-)
01-18 21:51:42.610 20585 20585 V WebServer: stopped port=8080
01-18 21:51:42.610 20585 20585 V WebServer: Asked an already running WebServer to start
01-18 21:51:42.610 20585 20585 V UpdateUI: Network: active, disconnected
01-18 21:51:42.917 20585 20769 V WebServer: Asked an already running WebServer to start
01-18 21:51:42.917 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, starting robot
01-18 21:51:42.917 20585 20769 V Robocol : EventLoopManager.start()
01-18 21:51:42.920 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Getting network assistant of type: WIFIDIRECT
01-18 21:51:42.920 20585 20769 V Robocol : Spoofing a Network Connection event...
01-18 21:51:42.920 20585 20769 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE
01-18 21:51:42.920 20585 20769 I Robocol : Received network connection event
01-18 21:51:42.920 20585 20769 I NetworkConnectionHandler: Handling new network connection infomation, connected: true setup needed: true
01-18 21:51:42.922 20585 21060 V RobotCore: thread: '' starting...
01-18 21:51:42.930 20585 20769 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is STOPPED
01-18 21:51:42.931 20585 20769 V Robocol : eventLoop=FtcEventLoop
01-18 21:51:42.931 20585 20769 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is INIT
01-18 21:51:42.931 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: initializing, starting robot
01-18 21:51:42.936 20585 20769 I FtcEventLoop: ======= INIT START =======
01-18 21:51:42.945 20585 20769 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {DefaultOpMode} as {$Stop$Robot$}
01-18 21:51:42.961 20585 20769 V FileBasedLock: locked /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/blocks/projectslock/lock.dat
01-18 21:51:42.962 20585 20769 V FileBasedLock: unlocking /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/blocks/projectslock/lock.dat
01-18 21:51:42.972 20585 20769 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {WallbreakerKokiAutoNext} as {WallbreakerKokiAutoNext}
01-18 21:51:42.974 20585 20769 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {SaveWallbreakerKokiAutoNext} as {SaveWallbreakerKokiAutoNext}
01-18 21:51:42.974 20585 20769 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {KokiTeleNext} as {KokiTeleNext}
01-18 21:51:42.975 20585 20769 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {SaveWallfacerKokiAutoNext} as {SaveWallfacerKokiAutoNext}
01-18 21:51:42.975 20585 20769 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {WallfacerKokiAutoNext} as {WallfacerKokiAutoNext}
01-18 21:51:42.984 20585 21060 D Robocol : RobocolDatagramSocket listening addr=/ cbRec=65520 cbSend=163840 msRecTO=300
01-18 21:51:42.984 20585 21060 V Robocol : RecvLoopRunnable created
01-18 21:51:42.990 20585 21063 V RobotCore: thread: '' starting...
01-18 21:51:42.991 20585 21060 V PeerDiscovery: Starting peer discovery remote: / local: /
01-18 21:51:42.991 20585 21060 V PeerDiscovery: No need for peer discovery, we are the peer discovery device
01-18 21:51:42.991 20585 21060 V RobotCore: Setup complete
01-18 21:51:42.991 20585 21060 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating ''
01-18 21:51:43.084 20585 20769 V HardwareFactory: createHardwareMap()
01-18 21:51:43.087 20585 20769 V WifiDirectInviteMonitor: clearUILynxModule()
01-18 21:51:43.119 20585 20769 I RobotCore: ========= Device Information ===================================================
01-18 21:51:43.119 20585 20769 I RobotCore: Type                                               Name                           Connection
01-18 21:51:43.119 20585 20769 I FtcEventLoop: ======= INIT FINISH =======
01-18 21:51:43.119 20585 20769 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is RUNNING
01-18 21:51:43.166 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: running, starting robot
01-18 21:51:43.167 20585 20769 V RobotCore: Robot Status: running
01-18 21:51:43.169 20585 20769 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating ''
01-18 21:51:43.173 20585 21071 V RobotCore: thread: 'opmode loop()' starting...
01-18 21:51:43.178 20585 21071 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg=""
01-18 21:51:43.256 20585 21070 V SoundInfo: construct(0x09095651)
01-18 21:51:43.297 20585 21063 E Robocol : exception SocketTimeoutException(null): no packet received []
01-18 21:51:43.323 20585 21069 D ExtendedUtils: extended extractor not needed, return default
01-18 21:51:43.335 20585 21075 E OMXMaster: A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
01-18 21:51:43.353 20585 20613 D SoundPlayer: onLoadComplete(samp=1|ms=1019, samp=1)=0
01-18 21:51:43.356 20585 21070 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 8000 Hz, output 48000 Hz
01-18 21:51:43.412 20585 21070 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=1.000000 samp=1|ms=1019
01-18 21:51:43.682 20585 21071 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$
KokeCacao commented 4 years ago

Update: I think this error is more relevant

01-03 15:58:37.842 24917 25062 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL
01-03 15:58:37.842 24917 25062 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 59BC6FD0
01-03 15:58:37.847 24917 25062 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL
01-03 15:58:37.847 24917 25062 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device DQ2F8DJY
01-03 15:58:37.847 24917 25062 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL
01-03 15:58:37.848 24917 25062 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 59BC6FD0
01-03 15:58:37.853 24917 25062 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL
01-03 15:58:37.853 24917 25062 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device DQ2F8DJY
01-03 15:58:37.854 24917 25062 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL
01-03 15:58:37.854 24917 25062 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 59BC6FD0
01-03 15:58:37.859 24917 25183 V UpdateUI: Network: active, disconnected
01-03 15:58:37.859 24917 25183 I RobotCore: Lost connection while main event loop not active
01-03 15:58:37.860 24917 25183 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection lost
01-03 15:58:37.863 24917 25061 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=5|ms=901
01-03 15:58:37.963 24917 24917 V RCActivity: onStart()
01-03 15:58:37.963 24917 24917 V Robocol : EventLoopManager.shutdown()
01-03 15:58:37.963 24917 25062 V RobotCore: EventLoopRunnable interrupted
01-03 15:58:37.963 24917 25062 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is STOPPED
01-03 15:58:37.964 24917 25062 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped
01-03 15:58:37.964 24917 25062 I FtcEventLoopIdle: ------- idle teardown ----
01-03 15:58:37.964 24917 25062 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'opmode loop()'
01-03 15:58:37.964 24917 24917 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is STOPPED
01-03 15:58:37.974 24917 24917 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FlintsControlMode.txt ********************
01-03 15:58:37.976 24917 24917 I RobotCore: Pruning old logs deleting Match-0-Concept:_TensorFlow_Object_Detection_Webcam.txt
01-03 15:58:37.979 24917 25585 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FlintsControlMode.txt
01-03 15:58:37.979 24917 25585 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '1-3 15:52:2.000' -f /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FlintsControlMode.txt -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W  *:V
01-03 15:58:37.980 24917 24917 V RCActivity: pref_wifip2p_channel: Found existing preferred channel (6).
01-03 15:58:37.980 24917 25586 V RobotCore: thread: '' starting...
01-03 15:58:37.980 24917 24917 V RCActivity: pref_wifip2p_channel: attempting to set preferred channel...
01-03 15:58:37.980 24917 25586 V FTCService: Processing robot setup
01-03 15:58:37.980 24917 24917 V WifiDirectChannelChanger: changeToChannel() channel=6
01-03 15:58:37.980 24917 24917 V WifiDirectChannelChanger: startChannelChange() channel=6
01-03 15:58:37.980 24917 25586 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, scanning for USB devices
01-03 15:58:38.007 24917 24949 V WifiDirectChannelChanger: callSetWifiP2pChannels() success
01-03 15:58:38.008 24917 24949 V WifiDirectChannelChanger: Channel 6 saved as preference "pref_wifip2p_channel".
01-03 15:58:38.008 24917 24949 V WifiDirectChannelChanger: finishChannelChange() channel=6 success=true
01-03 15:58:38.017 24917 24917 V RCActivity: onResume()
01-03 15:58:38.208 24917 25585 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '1-3 15:52:2.000' -f /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FlintsControlMode.txt -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W  *:V
01-03 15:58:38.208 24917 25585 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FlintsControlMode.txt
01-03 15:58:38.979 24917 25183 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(917) after 0 attempts
01-03 15:58:38.979 24917 25183 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(918), attempt: 0
01-03 15:58:38.979 24917 25183 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(919), attempt: 0
01-03 15:58:38.979 24917 25183 V Robocol : sending CMD_SHOW_TOAST(920), attempt: 0
01-03 15:58:41.623 24917 24999 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb9bc3bb8
01-03 15:58:41.627 24917 24917 V RCActivity: onPause()
01-03 15:58:41.664 24917 24917 V MTPMonitorService: onTrimMemory()
01-03 15:58:41.664 24917 24917 V OnBotJavaService: onTrimMemory()
01-03 15:58:41.664 24917 24917 V RCActivity: onStop()
01-03 15:58:41.664 24917 24917 V AppUtil : rootActivity=FtcRobotControllerActivity destroyed
01-03 15:58:41.664 24917 24917 V AppUtil : rootActivity=FtcRobotControllerActivity
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 E AR      : Could not deinit an unknown or abstract Vuforia tracker type: 0x1104
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:258] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativePostVuforiaDeinit()...
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:258] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativePostVuforiaDeinit()
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 V NativeVuforiaWebcam: destroy(pointer=0xb9bc59e8)
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:203] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativeReleaseVuforiaWebcam()...
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:259] NativeVuforiaWebcam::~NativeVuforiaWebcam()...
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:265] NativeVuforiaWebcam::free()...
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:347] NativeVuforiaWebcam::stop()...
01-03 15:58:41.665 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:347] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::stop()
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:305] NativeVuforiaWebcam::close()...
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:305] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::close()
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:273] NativeVuforiaWebcam::freeVuforiaWebcamNativeCallbacks()...
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:273] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::freeVuforiaWebcamNativeCallbacks()
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:265] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::free()
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:259] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::~NativeVuforiaWebcam()
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D UvcVuforiaWebcam: [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:206] NativeVuforiaWebcam cref remaining=0
01-03 15:58:41.666 24917 24917 D Uvc     : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:203] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativeReleaseVuforiaWebcam()
01-03 15:58:41.675 24917 24917 V RCActivity: onDestroy()
01-03 15:58:41.676 24917 24917 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, internal error
01-03 15:58:41.693 24917 24917 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: doStop()...
01-03 15:58:41.693 24917 24917 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: ...doStop()
01-03 15:58:41.693 24917 24917 V NetDiscover_name: doStop()...
01-03 15:58:41.693 24917 24917 V NetDiscover_name: ...doStop()
01-03 15:58:41.693 24917 25586 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating ''
01-03 15:58:41.699 24917 24917 V ServiceStarter: attempting to stop service FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService
BCassady commented 4 years ago

I am having this same issue. Both of our phones are Moto E4s. Our code and the sample code works on another Moto E4 running 5.3-64 bit. However, we got a new phone to help fix connection issues and when we downloaded the newest version of the app (still says it is 5.3-64 bit) Vuforia fails to initialize.

NoahAndrews commented 4 years ago

Make sure that your Vuforia key was generated within the last couple of years, if you're using Java.

BCassady commented 4 years ago

Make sure that your Vuforia key was generated within the last couple of years, if you're using Java.

Ours is the same key that we generated for Relic Recovery. This key works on our old set of phones. This, however, was also one of our troubleshooting steps and a new key did not work.

cmacfarl commented 4 years ago

There's a known problem with 5.2 and 64 bit phones that will cause Vuforia to fail.

@BCassady, if you still have problems with 5.3 please include a screen shot of the robot controller and the robot controller log.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 9:01 PM BCassady wrote:

Make sure that your Vuforia key was generated within the last couple of years, if you're using Java.

Ours is the same key that we generated for Relic Recovery. This key works on our old set of phones. This, however, was also one of our troubleshooting steps and a new key did not work.

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KokeCacao commented 4 years ago

There's a known problem with 5.2 and 64 bit phones that will cause Vuforia to fail. @BCassady, if you still have problems with 5.3 please include a screen shot of the robot controller and the robot controller log.

We used the same key generated for Relic Recovery too. Do I need to provide additional information to help with the issue?

BCassady commented 4 years ago

Here is the screenshot: Screenshot_20200114-183252 1

And the log: --------- beginning of main 01-14 18:34:43.551 7626 7725 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(10340) 0 01-14 18:34:43.552 7626 7725 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(10341) FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE 01-14 18:34:43.581 7626 7724 I RobotCore: **** START - OPMODE FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE **** 01-14 18:34:43.584 7626 7804 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE 01-14 18:34:43.696 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.697 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.698 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=2.000000 i=0.500000 d=0.000000 f=11.100000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.699 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.699 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.700 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.779 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(1, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.780 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(1, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.781 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.782 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.783 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.784 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.914 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.915 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.916 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(1, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.918 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(1, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.918 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.919 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.920 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.921 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.922 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.923 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(3, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.923 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.924 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.925 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=1.170000 i=0.117000 d=0.000000 f=11.700000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.926 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(0, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.952 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_USING_ENCODER, PIDFCoefficients(p=2.000000 i=0.500000 d=0.000000 f=11.100000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.953 7626 7804 W LynxMotor: not supported: setPIDFCoefficients(2, RUN_TO_POSITION, PIDFCoefficients(p=5.000000 i=0.000000 d=0.000000 f=0.000000 alg=PIDF)) 01-14 18:34:43.960 7626 7806 V RobotCore: thread: 'LinearOpMode main' starting... 01-14 18:34:43.975 7626 7694 D OpenGLRenderer: CacheTexture 6 upload: x, y, width height = 128, 68, 35, 141 01-14 18:34:43.984 7626 7741 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(442), attempt: 0 01-14 18:34:44.188 7626 7806 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 01-14 18:34:44.188 7626 7806 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 01-14 18:34:44.188 7626 7806 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: placeholder: readStatusQuery 01-14 18:34:44.264 7626 7806 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 01-14 18:34:44.264 7626 7806 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 01-14 18:34:44.344 7626 7806 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 01-14 18:34:44.344 7626 7806 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 01-14 18:34:44.424 7626 7806 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 01-14 18:34:44.424 7626 7806 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 01-14 18:34:44.674 7626 7743 D AudioTrack: AudioTrackThread::pauseInternal: ns = 73288359 01-14 18:34:44.748 7626 7743 D AudioTrack: AudioTrackThread::pauseInternal: ns = 9223372036854775807 01-14 18:34:44.748 7626 7728 D AudioTrack: stop(): 0x9434c400, mState = 0 01-14 18:34:44.750 7626 7728 D AudioTrack: AudioTrackThread::pause 01-14 18:34:44.750 7626 7728 D AudioTrackCenter: setTrackActive, trackId: 0x8e19a000, active: 0 --------- beginning of system 01-14 18:34:44.750 7626 7728 D AudioTrack: audiotrack 0x9434c400 stop done 01-14 18:34:44.935 7626 7806 W IMU : re-issuing IMU mode: system status=IDLE expected=RUNNING_FUSION 01-14 18:34:45.150 7626 7806 D Vuforia : using camera by name: Webcam(412D2EA0) 01-14 18:34:45.199 7626 7806 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + 01-14 18:34:45.286 7626 7806 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 01-14 18:34:45.347 7626 7694 D OpenGLRenderer: ~CanvasContext() 0x90bfbb80 01-14 18:34:45.347 7626 7694 D OpenGLRenderer: ~CanvasContext() 0x90aca7c0 01-14 18:34:45.348 7626 7694 D OpenGLRenderer: ~CanvasContext() 0x90ab7840 01-14 18:34:45.404 7626 7806 I System.out: Native library loaded 01-14 18:34:45.406 7626 7806 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:176] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativePreVuforiaInit()... 01-14 18:34:45.406 7626 7806 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:135] NativeVuforiaWebcam::NativeVuforiaWebcam()... 01-14 18:34:45.406 7626 7806 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:135] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::NativeVuforiaWebcam() 01-14 18:34:45.406 7626 7806 D UvcVuforiaWebcam: [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:170] setting external vuforia library: libraryName='' pvUser=0x90af4780 01-14 18:34:45.406 7626 7806 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:176] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativePreVuforiaInit() 01-14 18:34:45.407 7626 7806 V NativeVuforiaWebcam: construct(pointer=0x90af4780) 01-14 18:34:45.415 7626 7806 D WebcamNameImpl: requesting permission for /dev/bus/usb/001/016 01-14 18:34:45.416 7626 7806 V WebcamNameImpl: asyncRequestUsbPermission()... 01-14 18:34:45.418 7626 7806 D WebcamNameImpl: permission already available for /dev/bus/usb/001/016 01-14 18:34:45.419 7626 7806 V WebcamNameImpl: ...asyncRequestUsbPermission() 01-14 18:34:45.419 7626 7709 D WebcamNameImpl: permission for /dev/bus/usb/001/016=true 01-14 18:34:45.419 7626 7709 D ContinuationSynchronizer: finish("permission request complete": true)... 01-14 18:34:45.420 7626 7709 D ContinuationSynchronizer: ...finish("permission request complete": true) 01-14 18:34:45.420 7626 7806 D Vuforia : Vuforia.init()... 01-14 18:34:45.455 7626 7806 I AR : Vuforia selected rendering API OpenGL ES 2.x 01-14 18:34:45.455 7626 7806 I AR : Vuforia SDK version 7.4.3 01-14 18:34:45.467 7626 7806 E AR : Vuforia ERROR : License does not permit usage of an external camera. 01-14 18:34:45.467 7626 7806 D Vuforia : ...Vuforia.init() 01-14 18:34:45.468 7626 7806 E Vuforia : exception in vuforia initialization: phase:PreInit 01-14 18:34:45.471 7626 7806 E Vuforia : org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaException: Failed to initialize Vuforia. 01-14 18:34:45.474 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.throwFailure( 01-14 18:34:45.475 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl$5.get( 01-14 18:34:45.476 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl$5.get( 01-14 18:34:45.478 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.advanceInitPhase( 01-14 18:34:45.479 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.startAR( 01-14 18:34:45.480 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.( 01-14 18:34:45.482 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.system.ClassFactoryImpl.createVuforia( 01-14 18:34:45.483 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE.initVuforia( 01-14 18:34:45.484 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE.runOpMode( 01-14 18:34:45.485 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode$LinearOpModeHelper$ 01-14 18:34:45.486 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ThreadPool.logThreadLifeCycle( 01-14 18:34:45.487 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode$ 01-14 18:34:45.488 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 01-14 18:34:45.489 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 01-14 18:34:45.490 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ThreadPool$ThreadFactoryImpl$ 01-14 18:34:45.490 7626 7806 E Vuforia : at 01-14 18:34:45.491 7626 7806 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'LinearOpMode main' 01-14 18:34:45.492 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: Event loop threw an exception 01-14 18:34:45.494 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaException: Failed to initialize Vuforia. 01-14 18:34:45.494 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.throwFailure( 01-14 18:34:45.495 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl$5.get( 01-14 18:34:45.495 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl$5.get( 01-14 18:34:45.496 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.advanceInitPhase( 01-14 18:34:45.496 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.startAR( 01-14 18:34:45.497 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.vuforia.VuforiaLocalizerImpl.( 01-14 18:34:45.497 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.system.ClassFactoryImpl.createVuforia( 01-14 18:34:45.498 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE.initVuforia( 01-14 18:34:45.498 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE.runOpMode( 01-14 18:34:45.499 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode$LinearOpModeHelper$ 01-14 18:34:45.499 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ThreadPool.logThreadLifeCycle( 01-14 18:34:45.500 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode$ 01-14 18:34:45.501 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 01-14 18:34:45.501 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 01-14 18:34:45.502 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ThreadPool$ThreadFactoryImpl$ 01-14 18:34:45.502 7626 7804 E EventLoopManager: at 01-14 18:34:45.503 7626 7804 V RobotCore: RobotCoreException in EventLoopManager: EventLoop Exception in loop(): VuforiaException - Failed to initialize Vuforia. 01-14 18:34:45.503 7626 7804 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is EMERGENCY_STOP 01-14 18:34:45.503 7626 7804 V RobotCore: Robot Status: EMERGENCY STOP 01-14 18:34:45.504 7626 7804 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$Error$ msg="User code threw an uncaught exception: VuforiaException - Failed to initialize Vuforia." 01-14 18:34:45.504 7626 7804 I FtcEventLoop: ======= TEARDOWN ======= 01-14 18:34:45.507 7626 7741 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(459), attempt: 0 01-14 18:34:45.507 7626 7804 E AR : Could not deinit an unknown or abstract Vuforia tracker type: 0x1104 01-14 18:34:45.507 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:258] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativePostVuforiaDeinit()... 01-14 18:34:45.507 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:258] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativePostVuforiaDeinit() 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 V NativeVuforiaWebcam: destroy(pointer=0x90af4780) 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:203] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativeReleaseVuforiaWebcam()... 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:259] NativeVuforiaWebcam::~NativeVuforiaWebcam()... 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:265] NativeVuforiaWebcam::free()... 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:347] NativeVuforiaWebcam::stop()... 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:347] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::stop() 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:305] NativeVuforiaWebcam::close()... 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:305] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::close() 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:273] NativeVuforiaWebcam::freeVuforiaWebcamNativeCallbacks()... 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:273] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::freeVuforiaWebcamNativeCallbacks() 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:265] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::free() 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.h:259] ...NativeVuforiaWebcam::~NativeVuforiaWebcam() 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D UvcVuforiaWebcam: [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:206] NativeVuforiaWebcam cref remaining=0 01-14 18:34:45.508 7626 7804 D Uvc : [NativeVuforiaWebcam.cpp:203] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_vuforia_externalprovider_VuforiaWebcam_nativeReleaseVuforiaWebcam() 01-14 18:34:45.526 7626 7804 I RobotCore: **** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE.txt **** 01-14 18:34:45.529 7626 7808 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE.txt 01-14 18:34:45.529 7626 7808 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '1-14 18:34:43.000' -f /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-FTC9879DoubleStoneFoundationParkBLUE.txt -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 01-14 18:34:45.544 7626 7694 D OpenGLRenderer: CacheTexture 6 upload: x, y, width height = 20, 89, 143, 157 01-14 18:34:45.550 7809 7809 W sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:251): avc: denied { read } for uid=10122 name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=1 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0

lizlooney commented 4 years ago

You need to get a new vuforia key. Old keys don't allow webcams.

BCassady commented 4 years ago

We attempted this with a new vuforia key. VuforiaKey The program seems to get farther into initialization, but then the entire phone crashes and restarts. We think it may have to do with a .wav file. The log is below. Robot log 1-15-2020.txt Also just to note, our old vuforia key works correctly with a webcam on a different Moto E4 that is also on 5.3-64 bit.

KokeCacao commented 4 years ago

Update: The problem was solved by generating a new Vuforia key.