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FIRST Tech Challenge Live Scorekeeper Software
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Scoring Computer Logging Out on its own #255

Open slacter opened 5 years ago

slacter commented 5 years ago

Had an issue three times during elimination matches where the laptop we were using to run the Match Control Page would log itself out. This was only apparent when we tried to click 'Start Match' and nothing happened, and refreshing (or leaving) the Match Control Page would present the login window. This computer was a MacBook running Chrome.

This also occurred on two of our display computers. One was a MacBook and the other was Windows, both running Chrome.

We were running the server on a separate computer locked in another room of the building.

slacter commented 5 years ago

To add another detail, this appeared to occur after long periods of no activity on the scoring system, even between loading a match and starting a match (loaded at the start of the 5 minute timeout with an attempted start 7-10 minutes later).

nebomusic commented 5 years ago

A followup on the above incident:

The sequence was on the match control part of the process. The field would be randomized and then the match set to "show match" state. Then, before the match started there were announcements and issues with robots that delayed the start of match. When it came time to run the match, the controlling computer was not responsive.

Logging back into the control computer with event admin account resolved the issue.

A separate computer logged in with event admin account (OSX Macbook Pro) stayed logged in the entire day and did not have issues with getting locked out. It looked like the issue only happened on the Match control page while waiting between randomization and start of match.

cmacfarl commented 5 years ago

When you say, "Logging back into..." do you mean that the control computer had gone into a lock screen mode?

cmacfarl commented 5 years ago

Sorry, that wasn't clear. I'm trying to picture your setup. A server in a locked room, a client running the match control page, and various other bits?

I'm trying to determine what might cause the server to drop your session from the match control client. By which the question should have been, was the server in a lock screen state? Also, what brand laptop, and operating system was running on the server?

nebomusic commented 5 years ago

Locking up means that the client computer web page showing the match control screen would not respond to user input on the web page. The client computer and Chrome browser continued to function as normal. Upon refreshing the website on the client computer the resulting webpage was the start page from the score system. Then, we would log back into the page with the eventadmin account and all would work.

The host computer was a MacMini (2018) running OSX with 8 Gig of RAM. The client computer was a MacBook Air (2018) running the same version of OSX. A second client computer was a MacBook Pro (2012). The MacBook Pro did not have any issues communicating or holding connection with the host computer. However, we did not use the MacBook Pro to run matches or access the Match Control Screen.

A second MacBook Air (2018) was running the Field 2 Display screen and it did not have issues with dropping from the Host computer. The only computer with issues was the client computer running the scoring system.

A third Windows 10 computer was acting as a "mirror" of the Field 1 display screen. This computer did lose connection several times. However, this particular computer and Windows 10 has not been reliable in the past and we only use it as an backup display for the scoring table.

The server continued to run throughout the 10 hour match and we did not have reset or restart the server. We only had to "re-login" from the client computer running the match control portion of the system.

This system was used in 5 meets without this issue. However, in the previous meets the flow of matches was quicker and we did not do alliance selection or playoffs.

slacter commented 5 years ago

@nebomusic, you didn’t witness it, but the second display MacBook had to also be logged back in regularly by me. It occurred seemingly simultaneously with the control MacBook.

cmacfarl commented 5 years ago

@nebomusic Thank you for the detailed description. It makes sense that all clients would exhibit the behavior if the server is dropping the sessions. We don't at present have a software solution for you, as we don't know why that MacMini would do this. It might be worthwhile to swap the MacBook Pro in as the server and see if the problem persists. Or a reliable, late model, Windows box.

nebomusic commented 5 years ago

OK - thanks for the information.

Could the issue be that several users where logged into the system at the same time with the same account? Then, when a client was "logged out" (such as the Judge Advisor's computer) the system would then terminate the connections to all the other computers. We had four clients all logged in with the same "eventadmin" account and password.