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Inspection Schedule Editor Linking Time Periods to Activities #470

Open Robomom1 opened 4 years ago

Robomom1 commented 4 years ago

We want to start judging later than inspection but no matter what I have tried, all activities start at the same time in the schedule. Also, when I delete all activities except judging and generate the schedule it generates a schedule for judging and field inspection even though field Inspiration is not on the activities list. I also don't understand the bind status. I have found no documentation on the inspection schedule editor anywhere. Thanks.

adwiii commented 4 years ago

It appears that not being able to delete field inspection is a bug and I will look into that.

I will work on adding these to the official documentation, but for now, please refer to the below.

Custom schedules

The automatic generation is meant only for the simplest use cases and only supports having all teams grouped together and all inspection/judging types grouped together. If you require anything more complex than this, the system allows you to import a custom schedule.

  1. Create all of the activities you want (Judging, Robot Inspection, etc). using the Activities section to the right.
  2. Set the Time Periods on the left to be something close to what you will want later on - we will adjust these later.
  3. Generate the schedule. Here is an example generated schedule: image
  4. Press the "Export Schedule" button next to the "Generate Schedule" button. This will download a csv file named <event_code>_inspection_schedule.csv
  5. Using your preferred spreadsheet/text editor, open the file. It will look similar to: image
  6. Adjust the schedule as you would like. In this example, we will adjust so Judging occurs 2 hours later than originally scheduled. This can include moving all Judging later in the day, swapping around the order of the teams based on their location from the event (as requested in #304), etc.
    • Be careful that you preserve the original format. The times must be in 24 hour time, HH:MM, the duration must be in minutes, the date must be in MM/DD/YYYY, and the Activity must appear exactly as it does when the document was generated. It is recommended not to edit the Activity column. If editing the team list, be careful that the numbers are correct, as any incorrect team number will be ignored.
    • Double check that the schedule is feasible. When imported back in, the system will not validate that it is possible for this schedule to occur. Double booking a team/room to have two scheduled activities at a time is allowed (e.g. Team Photo happens during/immediately after Robot Inspection), but likely not desired (Team cannot be at Judging and at Field Inspection at the same time).
  7. Save the csv file. From the Inspection Schedule Editor page, press the "Browse File" button next to the "Export Schedule" button. Select the edited csv file. image
  8. Press the "Import Schedule" button to the right of the file name. The page will reload and display the newly imported schedule, in this case with Judging shifted 2 hours later. If you find an error in the schedule, you can repeat the process. image

Error handling: If the scoring system encounters an error in the format of the schedule during import, it will display an error message on the page and not refresh. For example, if 1:06 PM was entered as a time for 5064's Field Inspection, the following message would appear: image


On the dashboard, option 5 "Configure Judging/Inspection Tracking" can be used to set what appears on the "Judging & Inspection Status" screens. By default, the system is configured to track Robot Inspection and Field Inspection. image

Robot and Field Inspection are special because they are tied in with the electronic inspection sheets. When an inspector begins to go through the checklist for a team, the box will highlight to indicate they are in progress, and then appropriately change color based on if they are passed or failed.

This table can also be used to track if the team is late or very late. From option 5 on the dashboard, there are multiple settings. At the top, there are several defaults for Check-In, Judging, and splitting Robot and Field inspection into sub-components. Then you can add custom tracking. For example, if you added a Team Photo activity, you can add it as a column in the table and have the schedule tracked. At the bottom is the option to track lateness. By default, the system does not track lateness. image

In this example, Judging has been selected along with Robot and Field Inspection, Team Photo has been added, and the option to automatically track lateness has been selected. For the lateness to work, we must bind the column to a scheduled activity.

From the Inspection Schedule Editor page, the dropdown for each activity will now contain 4 options corresponding to each of the 4 tracked items above. image

Here, it makes sense to have the Judging column linked to the Judging activity, the Field Inspection and Robot Inspection columns linked with their respective activities, and then we will say that the Team Photo happens at the Robot Inspection station. This will lead to this final set up: image

Once this is set, the teams will highlight as appropriate on the schedule to indicate their status.