FIRSTChesapeake / frc2013score

The project is on hold until a need arises.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Pull timer info from FMS #23

Open nomad-geek opened 10 years ago

nomad-geek commented 10 years ago

Need to take Matt's Class, connect to his app and get the game status.

nomad-geek commented 10 years ago

@Shoob189 - I'm not sure about the Open-pull-close pattern we've got going on. I'm really looking for a steady stream as long as I'm connected. Say a pulse every second or so?

Shoob189 commented 10 years ago

@mglennon Would you prefer me to just keep sending packets regularly after you connect, or to keep the connection live and just respond with the information whenever I receive a packet from you?

nomad-geek commented 10 years ago

@Shoob189 - I think it's best if we just let you send the packets in your own time. You're more important to gameplay. So long as I'm connected, throw me a packet when you dare and I'll either handle it or discard it. That'll be great.

Ugh. I have so much work to do. XD